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December 2021 - Abu Dhabi

I stared at the screen, nibbling on my nails as I watched the safety car go around on the monitor. Annoyingly my car had a brake failure and I had to retire but I was still in the garage, my race suit hanging around my hips. I was unwilling to miss a second of the race, a race that could make my boyfriend a world champion.

"Oh my god... oh my god!!" I screamed as Max, on faster tires, passed Lewis on the restart. I was speechless for the rest of the lap, but felt the tears start streaming down my cheeks as he passed the checkered line.

"He did it, he did it." I cried, and Jan wrapped his arms around me, knowing how much it meant.

"Go to him." He murmured to me. I frowned for confirmation, and he just nodded with a smile. I gave him a pat on the arm as a grin grew on my face, and ran out of the garage.

I ran down the paddock as fast as my feet could take me. By the time I reached the podium, Max was hugging Daniel and then Lando. I brushed through the FIA garage and passed both McLaren boys. Max looked up and our eyes met, and I could see the pure happiness in them. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, and he pulled me tight as his hands snaked around my waist.

"I'm so proud of you." I felt the tears start to pool again in my eyes.

"I love you." He murmured, his head buried in my neck. "You stuck by me. Thank you, thank you."

"I love you too." I sniffed back. "You are brilliant. Oh my god, you're a world champion." I chuckled. The Red Bull team was cheering behind us, and so I reluctantly let him go. "Go celebrate with them. I'll see you soon." He nodded and turned towards them, while I turned back towards the garage.

Disappearing behind the podium wall, I made eye contact with Jos. He looked at me a bit awkwardly, but I just closed the space between us and pulled him into a hug. "Today is about Max." I murmured. "Congrats."


June 2023

I was sitting on the bed in Max's hotel room, reading Jenson's memoir while Max took a shower. Eventually he came out and slipped into bed beside me, reading over my shoulder. I was reading the chapter about his wife, Brittny, which seemed to pique Max's interest.

"Have you ever thought about marriage?" He murmured, reaching out to brush a piece of hair behind my ear.

I bit my lip, trying to hide a smile. "Yes. Lots."

"Have you thought about marrying me?" He asked again. I didn't respond, so he took the book out of my hand and moved on top of me with a smirk. His palms were pressed into the mattress below me and he held his body inches above mine. "Have you?"

I giggled, and reached up to cup his jaw. "Max, we've been together for almost 4 years now, 5 years total. Of course I have."

"And do you want to?" He pressed, moving slightly closer.

I raised an eyebrow and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist, pulling his body down towards mine. "I do want to. And I want to have little baby Sommer-Verstappen's running around someday, if that's something you want." I admitted.

That caught him off guard. I saw his gaze soften, and he pressed a passionate kiss to my lips. "I would love to have a kid with you, but are you sure? The F1 season doesn't really allow much time for pregnancies, and I would never want to force you."

I moved a hand from around his neck to caress his cheek softly. "Max, I'm sure. I'd have to take a season or two off, after winning a few world championships hopefully, but yes. It's something I want."

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