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August 2018 - Salinas, California

It was nice to be back with my old friends from back home. We were all 20 now of course and had all changed as people, but the chemistry between all of us was still there and they welcomed me back with open arms. Of course, the pro was that they got to spend the weekend at my dad's house outside of Salinas, and I had been a bit worried that they were just using me, but once we were all hanging out it seemed genuine enough.

It was their last night here, my friends from home would all be leaving the next morning and a few friends from racing were coming to stay for another week. We were lounging around the pool area and I was in a bikini sitting next to my friend Percy, maybe a little more touchy than we usually were as we each sipped on a drink. He had his arm wrapped around my lower back and I was leaning on his chest.

Finny awkwardly came out of the house, and I looked at him a bit funny. "Uh, Becca? There are some guys in your kitchen." He explained. I frowned and handed my drink to Percy before standing up. I walked inside the kitchen and was surprised to see Alex, George, Seychelle, and Lando standing there with their luggage.

"Hey, Becks." Alex grinned but wrinkled his nose as I hugged him.

"Hey, guys?"

"You smell like cigarettes." Lando scowled as well after I hugged him, Seychelle, and George as well. 

"Yeah, sorry." I smiled sheepishly. "Some friends from home are here and a couple of them were smoking earlier. Um...weren't you supposed to get here tomorrow?"

"Obviously that's what you thought." George smirked. "That one guy was looking at us like we were crazy."

"Yeah, that was Finny. Just old friends from home, if you want you can come to hang out." I offered.

"What about a house tour? This place is huge!" Alex gawked.

"I'll show you where you're staying, but the house tour can happen tomorrow, I only want to do it once." I groaned. "And now I have to clarify since I messed this up. How many more people are coming?"

"No worries girl, we've been chatting about it! Giada and Charles, Julie and Anthoine, Cate and Pierre, Lance, and Nyck." Seychelle listed from her phone.

I took a sharp breath in. "Okay! That is a lot...to be honest, Sey, I forgot that you and Nyck were coming. Someone might end up on the couch." I gave them an apologetic look.

"Oh no worries, you have a lot on your plate." She tutted.

"We'll figure it out." George shrugged, not seeming too concerned.

"Yeah. Anyway, let me show you guys your rooms." I smiled.


After they got settled in, my European friends all came out to the pool to meet my American friends. I had returned to my spot by Percy, and I could see Alex squinting at him as we all chatted. Meanwhile, my eyes drifted to Seychelle, who looked amazing in a white bikini top as she laughed with George and Brielle. My mind drifted to how I was able to get with other drivers when they could be getting with girls like her, but before my mind could go down that rabbit hole I pushed those insecure thoughts away and focused on how happy I was to have so many of my friends in one place.

A bit later Percy had gone off to smoke more with Connor, leaving me alone on the daybed I was sitting on. I was gazing off towards the ocean, but my attention was snapped back as Alex sat down next to me.

"Hey." He nudged me with his shoulder. "How are you?"

"I'm good." I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder. "How was your flight?"

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