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I woke up the next morning, Max still curled in my arms. I laid there just for a few minutes before I felt him stirring.

"Good morning, schat." He grumbled, sitting up a bit.

"Good morning, sleepy." I giggled lightly. "Should we get breakfast?"

He nodded. "I think that sounds fantastic."

Half an hour later, our breakfast arrived. We laid the trays out on the bed and I happily dug in, but Max was a bit slower to start. I grinned when I realized he was just sitting there, watching me.

"What?" I blushed, covering my mouth.

"I love you." He said simply.

My heart skipped a beat and the butterflies rose in my stomach, but the grin on my face only grew. "I love you too." I replied, and a matching grin grew on his face. We both leaned over the food, our lips meeting for a happy second.

We separated, sharing an awkward giggle before we dug into breakfast, for real this time.


December 2, 2015 - Abu Dhabi

"Happy birthday!" The crowd yelled as I walked into the club I had reserved for my birthday, and I whooped in response. Max walked up and planted a kiss on my cheek, his arm slung around my shoulder.

"Drink, finally, birthday girl!" Gianna handed me a shot glass and I knocked it back.

"Whoo!" I giggled. It had been a crazy year,  GP3 just ending the weekend before. I had finished P15 in the series, with a solid few points on the board, and was excited for the next year. But for now, it was time to celebrate my birthday and the end of the season.

The crowd dispersed and started dancing again, and I dragged Max over to the bar. "6 shots of vodka please." I asked the bartender, and Max raised his eyebrows.

"Getting legally off to a bang, are we?" He remarked, taking the shot I passed him. Pierre, Anthoine, Julie, and Gianna joined us as well, and I handed them all the remaining glasses.

"Cheers!" I exclaimed. "To me!"

"To Becca!" Cheers and laughter rang from around the group as everyone swallowed the alcohol.

"Let's dance!" Julie grabbed my arm, and we made our way onto the dance floor. Anthoine and Max soon joined us, and Max wrapped an arm around my hip as we continued to dance. Julie gave me googly eyes, causing me to giggle. I had no idea how long we were dancing for, but I soon ended up facing a familiar-looking blonde girl.

"Happy birthday!" She shouted.

"Thanks!" I grinned, still unsure quite who she was. Then I saw the brown-haired boy behind her and connected the dots. "Oh my god, you're Giada!" I squealed, pulling her into a hug. "And you must be Charles!" I hugged her boyfriend, catching him by surprise.

"I'm so sorry we've never met before!" Charles exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh no worries, thank you both for coming! It's so good to finally meet you." I gushed, pulling them into another hug. "Enjoy the party! Open bar!" I giggled, sending them on their way.

"Wicked party, Becks." Daniel came up to me and handed me a beer.

I gave him a surprised grin. "Coming from the party master himself! I'll take that."

"Your boyfriend's having himself quite a cracker." Daniel said affectionately, gesturing across the dance floor to where Max was, smack dab in the middle of the mosh pit, leaping up and down with a drink in his hand and a large grin on his face.

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