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Well during the past month and some weeks I've discovered some truths about my family that I couldn't manage well. What I learned caused inside me a swirling of emotions that exploded in my getting a knife and well cutting ...myself. I first began with my arms and when my parents found out I began cutting my stomach. I've stopped for four days and ....yeah.

I wasn't trying to take my life but it was more of an outlet of my anger and helplessness in regards to my situation. I thought and still believe that it was my incompetence that allowed that wound within the bonds in my family to appear. Don't be so alarmed the cuts weren't that deep and they are mostly gone now.

But I still have that itching urge to grab a knife and cut until I forget all my problems. I know its wrong but hey it's my fucking useless life.

My Life Thoughts of Madness and Well BoredomWhere stories live. Discover now