[27] Change

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I knew it was Emily all along. Of course she's be the one that was keeping my notebook. She was so interested in what it was about. No wonder why she was asking all those questions. She didn't even deny it or say a word.

I took the notebook and left her there on the ground shocked by my sudden outburst. "This is unforgivable " I said before I walked out the door. I would be too if I did something this bad, but I'm on the other end of the spectrum.

I slammed the door and walked to my car. I had one place in mind to go. An apology I needed to make and a relationship that needed to be formed again. This opened my eyes. Hannah wasn't the problem, Emily was.

It was true. I did genuinely want to be friends with Emily. Whatever happened between us I wanted to patch up again and at least become friends. But now I think otherwise.

People would believe this is overreacting, yelling and being furious over a notebook? They would laugh and think I'm childish. But no this notebook was important to me, and I mean very important.

Not only did it carry any secret I had. But it carried the most important secret of all.

I drove my car down a couple of streets and parked my car in front of a house I was very familiar with. I walked to the front door and pressed the doorbell firmly.

The door opened in a swift motion and revealed a petite girl with blonde locks. "Luke?" She asked, "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to apologize to you" I said, "Can I come in?" "Sure" she said, "Anything for you"

She moved out of the doorway and I walked into the house, familiarizing myself because I haven't been here in so long. She motioned me to sit on the couch beside her and I did.

"What are you apologizing for?" She asked. "I'm here to apologize because my mind hasn't been thinking straight at all" I said. "I've known you wanted to replace me with Emily for a long time" she said placing her hand on my leg, "I'm glad you've come to your senses and rethought about that"

"I'm glad too, I know what kind of person she is" I said. "I've known for a long time" she said. "How about this," I proposed, "We get back together, and pretend that this replacing thing never even happened" "I would love that" she smirked.

"Then it's official" I said, "We are back together"



"Why am I so upset about this?" I asked Calum who came over a week later. "Maybe you just really care about him?" He said. "Um no" I snapped back, "I should've never accepted that book for Hannah"

"Hannah gave you that book?" He asked. "Yeah before Luke came into Starbucks" I said. "Isn't it a little weird that she just gave you the book?" He said. "I guess it is" I said.

"I know her and she wouldn't just do something without it part of an elaborate plan" he said, "Maybe something's off" "Have I ever told you how smart you are?" I said. "Tell my teachers that" he chuckled.

"You know what I'm bored let's go to Michael's house" I said standing up. "Sure why not? We can surprise him" he said picking up his beanie.

We walked over to his car and drove all the way to Michael's house which wasn't that far away.

"Michael open up!" Calum shouted as he knocked on the door. He knocked a couple times before the door opened but it wasn't Michael.

"Emily!" Hannah said as she opened the door, "Come on in" "What are you doing here Hannah?" Calum said annoyed. "I'm here to chat with my friend Michael" she said and in the background Michael waved. He walked up and said, "She was just leaving"

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