[35] Luke's Secret

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"Guess what?!" Meredith exclaimed.

It's been a month since the Hannah incident and everything seemed awfully quiet. It was great.

We had looked all around the house and we did find little cameras attached to furniture, the mirrors, you name it. What a psychopath.

I honestly just thought that she was just hesitant and didn't want to let go of Luke, but it had come to the conclusion that she was "mentally unstable".

"What?" I asked, coming closer to Meredith eagerly.

She breathed in and out slowly for dramatic effect. "Calum asked me to be his girlfriend!" She exclaimed, falling over into the bed in happiness. Her face was bright red and a big smile was plastered across her face.

"I mean it was just perfect. He brought me to this Italian place and you know I love me some Italian food, he was so sweet too." She started, "He brought me to that cliff where we went on our first date and then he was all sweet and he asked me right there and then."

"You guys have such a perfect relationship, it's killing me." I groaned, "I could never have such a perfect relationship."

"You can, it takes time." She explained, "The perfect guy will swoop into your life like superman."

"Do you really believe that?" I asked and she nodded.

"Maybe the perfect guy is right there in front of you and you don't even realize." She said and I groaned in frustration, "Didn't you go on a date with Luke last week?"

"It wasn't really a date," I told her, "It was just ice cream."

It's not that I was desperate for a boyfriend, it's just it's nice to find someone who really loves you, am I right?

"So how are you and Luke really?" She asked and I sighed.

"Same old same old." I replied, "Except now we don't hang around much anymore except for that time when we got ice cream. I miss him."

It's not that Mere wasn't fun to be around, I finally had a girl in my life. But I miss the stupid conversations Luke and I had and the Netflix marathons.

"It's always good to spend time apart," she consulted, "it balances out the relationship so that you and the other person are not anti-social. Plus you two are in the same classes and the play."

"That's right! The play!" I exclaimed.

I was pretty excited for the play because my aspiration was to become an actress some day, maybe even be in a movie. The play was 2 weeks away.

"I guess so, but he's been very secretive about it. I mean he told me he went to band practice and he didn't even bring his guitar." I frowned.

Maybe Luke just doesn't want to spend time with me. Is it me? Did I do something?

He has friends and I shouldn't keep him away from them. I understand really, but it would be nice if he were to be honest.

"Doesn't Michael have an extra guitar? Maybe he just forgot it." Meredith assumed.

"Did I do something wrong?" I blurted out, "Is he trying to avoid me?"

"Honey please, he's not trying to avoid you." Meredith said, "How about we spend a girls day at the mall, maybe by a cute dress."

"We need to get your mind off Luke." She continued, "He's not the only thing in your life."

I somewhat agreed with her. My whole life it's been Luke did this and Luke did that but now it's we did this and we did that. We were inseparable, but I didn't realize that I've become so anti-social because of this.

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