[36] Heartbroken

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"How did we end up here? Why are we even here?" I asked, lying on the bench that was in the store.

We've been here for hours and still haven't found anything. I didn't even know what we were even looking for.

Meredith dragged me into this fancy dress store because she claimed that I needed a dress, but I didn't think so. I had plenty at home. It's not like I would even wear a dress besides school.

"I already said. We're looking for a dress." Meredith stated, pulling out different dresses of different colours and styles from the rack and throwing them on top of me into one big pile.

"Why do we need a dress? I have plenty at home." I groaned. She stopped looking and faced me. "Trust me. You are going to need it." She continued searching through the racks.

"We'd be out of here faster if you helped." She cooed, "Anyways the dress is for you, not for me."

"But why do I need a dress-"

"Here it's in your size. Try it on."

She threw me a dark blue skater skirt dress and I was really impressed.

"You know my kind of style." I complimented her and she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Well I am your best friend." She scoffed, "Now go, try it on and report back to me." She pointed to the fitting room that was across from where we were.

"Aye, aye captain." I chuckled, carrying the dress. I walked all the way to the fitting room, leaving Meredith behind while she was looking for more dresses.

I didn't see why I suddenly needed a new dress. I mean prom wasn't even that close, not like I'd go or anything because nobody would ask me.

I walked into the fitting room, changed and slid into the dress. I turned around and looked into the mirror and saw that the dress fit perfectly.

I took my phone out and took a picture to show Mere later.

I mean I'm not complaining. I don't wear dresses but I'd consider wearing this one. I liked this dress. It's simple, casual and it's my kind of style.

I quickly changed to go back. I slid out of the dress and placed it back on the hanger. I got my clothes back on and opened the door as I walked back to where Meredith was.

Although, she wasn't where she was before. I roamed around the store, looking for her. I turned corners and looked everywhere but she was nowhere to be found.

I pulled out my phone and texted her.

I heard a faint giggle in the background and it was probably some couple looking for something but being extremely annoying.

I turned my shoulder over and my mouth went wide open.

"Of course." I scoffed, staring at the couple, who was none other than Luke and that girl.

I glared at them. He was trying on a suit and she was putting his tie on. She giggled and he smiled, his dimples making an appearance.

I was the one that was supposed to be helping him find a suit, not her.

I looked back over and saw that she pressed a kiss on his cheek and I was so done.

I stomped away and found Meredith who was at the exact same spot she was before.

"Where were you?" I asked, annoyed by what I had just seen.

"I was in the washroom." She explained, "It's really fancy here. They have those cool sinks and good smelling soap-"

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