[31] Thinking Out Loud

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"Shit! We're going to be late for your appointment!" I cursed and threw my phone on my bed while I quickly got up. I ran over to the mattress that Emily slept on and saw that she was sound asleep. It be the worst decision to wake her up because she is not a morning person. But that didn't stop me.

"Emily it's time to get up or we're going to miss your appointment!" I yelled, jumping onto Emily's mattress, onto my bed and back and forth.

I kept jumping and jumping until I saw her opening her eyes slightly and she groaned. I stop jumping when she threw a pillow at me.

"You're always grumpy in the morning" I frowned, "We'll be late and it'll be all your fault" "Just leave me here and you go" She muffled into her pillow. "We both know we can't do that" I complained, "I told your mom that I will bring you to the dentist, if I don't she'll kill me"

"I'm fine with that" she murmured into her pillow. I frowned, "Emily" "You can go, I will stay here and sleep" she said, pulling the blanket over her head. "But it's your appointment-" I sighed, it had to be done.

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it off. It flew to the other side of the room. "Hey!" She screamed, "My blanket" "You need to get up" I said towering over her. "No" she refused and I groaned.

I flipped her over and picked her up by her arms. I let go and she toppled over. "Emily come on" I groaned, "We'll be late" "Help me up" she whined putting her arms in the air for me to grab to lift her up.

I lifted her up by her arms and she made it on her knees before dropping down. I sighed in frustration because at this point we'd be late for that appointment. I picked her up and dragged her by the arms to the washroom.

"You are going to have to cooperate" I instructed getting her up on her feet facing her to the mirror. "Fine I will" she groaned opening her eyes to see herself in the mirror. She slowly grabbed her toothbrush and applied the toothpaste onto it.

"Hurry up" I said impatiently, "We are going to be late" "Don't rush me Hemmings" she hissed before brushing her teeth with a frown on her face.

I tapped my foot hoping that she would go faster and she did. She washed her face and applied her girl stuff before brushing out her hair. She pulled it up into a ponytail and turned around at me.

"I can't get changed if you're in the way" she said. I move out of the way and waited on the bed continuously tapping my foot.

I sat there and waited for her until 5 minutes later when she came out fully dressed with a bright smile on her face. "Ready!" She cheerfully said and I looked at her confused.

"How- You were just-" I said confused. "Less questions, we gotta go" she said picking up her phone, "We're gonna be late because of you!"

I smirked because she was all giggly and happy, when a few minutes ago she wanted to rip my guts out. I shrugged, grabbing my phone from the bed.

I rushed down the stairs and saw my mom sitting at the table drinking some coffee before she had to go to work. "Bye mum!" I waved before closing the door.

I opened the door and we both walked out, maybe just me because she skipped all the way to the car. I opened the door to the car and saw that she was already in the passengers seat with her feet on the dashboard.

I groaned, "Off" I pointed to her feet and she refused. "My car, my rules" I commanded. She frowned slowly taking them off the dashboard. She crossed her arms and huffed looking out the window.

"Maybe when you get a car, or even get your license, you can do whatever you want" I said starting the engine. "I don't want too" she frowned, "Plus I'll be all loopy and someone has to take me home"

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