[38] Too Late

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Everybody makes mistakes right?

It had been weeks since that night and it got me thinking. Maybe Emily and I were not meant to be.

We always fight and we always end up in a situation where we hate each other again. Then, we find someway to be in each other's arms again. Then the cycle goes around again and again.

What if the cycle stops and we don't end up with each other? Maybe the universe is trying to tell me that we weren't meant to be a couple.

On the other hand I didn't want this fate to be a reality. I loved Emily more than anything, but I didn't know if she actually felt the same way.

I was so ashamed of myself that I hung around the library most of the time because I didn't want to be seen. I was so embarrassed to be around my own friends because I cheated on the girl I love, who was also friends with them.

"You okay there?" I heard a voice say and I looked up to see a girl with glasses and dark blue hair. "You seem upset."

"I'm fine." I mumbled, putting the pencil to the paper finishing my homework. I wasn't that great at math but Emily helped me. Well not anymore, she won't even talk to me.

"I'm a girl. Fine doesn't mean you're fine." She argued, taking a seat at my table and I groaned.

"Why do you want to help me?" I said, "Don't you have other things better to do?"

"I can see you're pissed off and that's okay, it's healthy." She explained, "Whatever you're mad at, you can't keep it bottled up because something bad will happen when you decide to explode."

"It's a long story." I reminded her and she nodded. "I have time." She pulled her hair up and got comfortable.

"So it all started because of a girl-"

"It always starts because of a girl." She scoffed and I glared at her.

"Are you telling the story or am I?" I snapped.

"Okay. Okay. I'm listening." She leaned back and motioned me to start.

"It all started a couple of weeks ago." I started, "I cheated on a girl I love."

"You're stupid." She interrupted.

"I had a valid reason for all of this." I snapped, "Now she's mad at me and won't give me a chance."

"I can see why. If a guy cheated on me, I'd whoop his ass into the next century."

"I wanted to take her on a date, an actual date but the only place I afford was a cheap, fast food restaurant." I explained, "I didn't want our first date to be like that"

"My friend, Calum, told me that he took his girlfriend on a date at this fancy italian restaurant and I wanted our date to be that special." I continued, twirling my pencil.

"Ooo was it called 'Mamma Mia'? That place has the best meatballs. They're to die for." She said with a giant smile on her face.

"Anyways, it was pricey so I got a job to pay for it. I worked the night shift at the diner and that's why I always came home late." I said and she nodded.

It was a good feeling that someone was actually listening to me because everybody gave me the cold shoulder. It sucked but I deserved it.

"I never got to see her at all but doing this was worth it." I sighed, remembering all the times I saw her sound asleep at night and I couldn't even say good night to her.

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