[19] Just Kidding

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Luke took the first throw and I moved to the side making him miss. "Haha" I said throwing a snowball at him making a clear shot to his face. He stood there puzzled and wiped off the snow from his face.

"That hurt" he whined, "That had a piece of ice in it" He held his hand to his face. I walked up to him in guilt. "Sorry I didn't-" I said but then he jumped up throwing a snowball right in my face. I fell back into the snow on my ass. "Ow" I said getting up and wiping the snow out of my face.

"Never soften up to your opponent" he smirked throwing another snowball at me. "Fuck you" I said flipping him off. "There are children present" he said crossing his arms and focusing on the little boy behind me.

I turned around and reddened in embarrassment because the little boy was staring straight at me. "Hi" I whispered to the boy who was staring at me. "Hi!" He said, "I'm going to show my mom what you did!" He ran off to his mom and Luke and I watched.

He ran up to a middle aged woman sitting on the park bench and stuck his middle finger up at her. She gasped and put his hand down. She talked to him and he pointed to us. I gasped and we both turned around.

"We should go she's coming for us" Luke said. I started walking and so did Luke. "C'mon faster" I said grabbed his hand and pulling him to the other side of the street near the hotel.

When we made it to the other side I stopped and looked over to the woman who was back with the little boy.

I let go of Luke's hand and put my hands on my knees. "That's why you shouldn't flip me off in the middle of Central Park" he said as we started walking. "That doesn't mean I shouldn't flip you off" I said, "I still will"

"Well now what?" I asked. "We could go back to the hotel and chill" he paused, "I guess" "Or we could go ice-skating!" I said in excitement. "Ice skating? What are you 5? And isn't your ankle broken?" He asked.

"Enjoy it being cold and snowing while it lasts because once we go back to Australia the only cold there is will be the fridge and you can't skate or play in the fridge" I protested, "And it's fine now. The doctor said by 2 days it'll be fine"

"Fine" He said, "Mom" I rolled my eyes which he returned a chuckle. "Just kidding" he said as I started walking. "Grandma" he whispered to himself. I turned around and glared at him. "Sorry" he chuckled. "Sorry" I mocked him.

"So where's the skating rink?" he asked running up beside me. I looked away ignoring him. He frowned. "I was just kidding" he said. I ignored him and picked up my pace. "C'mon Em I thought you were stronger than that" he said which caught my attention.

"What?" I said. "Do I have to fucking repeat it?" He scoffed, "You are deaf" I rolled my eyes and kept on ignoring him.

"Fine fine I'm just kidding" he said. "You kid a lot don't you Luke?" I said, "Sorry I told the whole school you had a crush on Ethan, I was just kidding" "But I was-" he said but I interrupted stepping right in front of him.

"I thought it would be funny to put gum on your chair sorry I was just kidding" I said increasing the volume of my voice to the point where people were staring at us. "You kid a lot don't ya?" I said angrily. I was beyond mad and all of this anger that has built up inside of me all these years.

"Woah woah" Luke said putting his hands in front in defense, "Calm down" "Don't fucking tell me to calm the fuck down you little shit" I said. "But Em I was just-" Luke said trying to save himself. "Kidding? Ya Luke fuck off you monster!" I yelled at him.

He stood there and froze. I didn't know what had gotten into me. I just exploded right in front of Luke. He was right I was stronger than that and have been for years and years. I still wanted to go skating though...

I walked back to Luke who was putting his hands in his hair. Once he saw me coming, he quickly put his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Hey erm.." He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Let's go ice skating" I said. "What?" He said confused. "I said lets go ice skating" I repeated. "But I thought you were mad at me-" he said but interrupted. "I was, now I want to go ice skating" "So you forgive me?" He asked. "No" I said, "but I'm used to it"


Long time no see!

This is just a filler but there will be a double update! It was just too long lol

I decided that if she had a broken ankle for most of the trip then it'll get boring having her hop like a bunny everywhere so ya

There will be a sequel to the story but there will be more details in the AN in the next chapter

That is all bai!

Instagram: @/disconnected.sos (changed it)
Twitter: @/calmxfivesauce

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