[33] You Did What?!

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"You totally like him." Meredith said, popping her bubble gum as we walked out of school at the end of the day.

"Shut up, I don't like him, like him." I retorted, "He's just a nice guy." "Nice guy, my ass." She chuckled, "You told me you had a thing for him-" "Shush." I silenced her, "Maybe I do, but I don't want him to know or anyone to know for that matter."

"Why's that?" She asked, "Don't you want to go out with him?" "I just-I just don't want things to be different, y'know?" I explained, shaking my head.

"Different?" Meredith raised her eyebrow. "Different. If Luke and I go out, our parents are going to go nuts and not allow us to sleep in a room together," I explained, "and Hannah's going to go ape shit because she's got this crazy thing with Luke."

"It's really obvious that your mom and Luke's mom want you two together." She pointed out. "Just don't tell anyone." I pleaded, "Especially Luke."

"Fine. I won't tell Luke, but I still don't believe that friends 'cuddle' at night." She argued, "The medicine would have already worn off." "That was just one night," I reasoned, "But he doesn't know that."

"He's the one that agreed too." She said, "There must be something going on. But I'll see you later!" "Yeah, I heard that the boys are going to the house later." I said waving good bye, "See yah"

"Remember what I said, friends don't cuddle!" She waved goodbye and I waved back, turning around to the door.


"I'm home!" I yelled, opening the front door and closing it behind me. The house was silent. "I guess nobody's home." I shrugged, throwing my shoes on the floor.

"Fuck!" I heard a huge thud, and ran into the living room. Luke stood there with his hand against his forehead.

"Jesus Luke," I said, "What have you gotten yourself into?" "I'm fine, thanks for asking." He chuckled, removing his hand from his head, revealing a bruise.

"I'm getting the ice." I whined, getting a bag of ice from the kitchen. I gave the ice bag to Luke and he immediately placed it on his forehead with a sigh.

He sat on the couch and I did the same thing. "What the heck did you do?" I questioned him. "I might or might have not tripped and hit my head on the coffee table, psssh." He said, wincing at the cold ice against his bruised forehead.

"Clumsy ass." I chuckled, which resulted in him nudging me in the arm. "I'm not a clumsy ass," he argued, "Everyone trips." "Not over their large, lanky legs." I chuckled. "My legs aren't large and lanky." He complained.

"I'm actually jealous of your skinny legs." I said sarcastically and he chuckled.

"Let's see how the bruise is." I said, removing the ice pack to see that the bruise had simmered down. "I think it's fine, now" I said, placing the ice pack on the table. I turned around to see that Luke had come closer to me.

"We are really close." Luke mentioned, and I did notice that the space between us was dangerously close. "Yeah, we are becoming very close friends." I said, trying not to make the moment more awkward than it is, at least for me.

"No, I mean the space between us." Luke confirmed. "Yeah, I mean I can actually feel you breathing on me." I said, continuing to dab the towel on his face.

"Really?" He said, coming closer at each second. "Yeah." I said, breathing heavily. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. "What? What are you talking about?" I asked, "Sure."

He lips came close to mine, and you probably know what happened next. His lips moved against mine and damn, I never have been kissed like that ever. He took me from the couch and placed me on his lap as we continued to make out.

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