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0.9 - Dreams


"Okay. Who took Emily's clothes?" Ms. Fields paused, paced back and forth. The room stayed silent. We were all huddled up in the gym on the ground as Ms. Fields interrogated us. "Okay if no one speaks up, we will stay here all night if we have to. I'd have to interview each one of you and call the principal in and get you all detention. But, I don't want to do that."

She stepped in front of all of us, took a good look and sighed. "If that's what you guys want then that's what we'll have to do."

"Geez, Emily, if I'm late for my nail appointment than this is all your fault." Hannah said, showing me her clean painted nails. "Just ignore it so we can all go home."

"Hannah. I don't understand what's wrong with them." I argued, noticing that she had dark blue nails. "Oh, wait! There as dark as your soul."

I heard a snort coming from Luke and Hannah elbowed him in the stomach. "I'm sorry but that was pretty good." He chuckled, receiving another punch from Hannah on his shoulder.

"I didn't think so." Hannah said, "You could've done better since you and Luke happen to always 'fight' with each other."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that maybe you like Luke and that's why you guys argue so much." Hannah said, getting into my face, "You know what they say when people like each other, they tease each other. I'm just saying maybe you like all the attention."

"I seriously have no idea what you are trying to see but you are not making any sense-"

"Wait!" We all heard someone spoke up. We looked to the back to see a small girl with bright red hair. "I think I know who did it. It was Luke Hemmings. I saw him going into the girls change room. But, I thought he went in there by accident." 

Luke stayed silent but was red as a tomato. There were beads of sweat falling down his forehead and he looked guilty. He looked all around him to see that everyone was looking at him. They were all waiting for an answer to get out of here. 

I glared at him and he looked back at me but didn't return a glare like he did usually. "Yes." He gulped. "But, I didn't think that it'll get this serious."

All I saw was Hannah's giant smirk planted across her face. She had something to do with this. I knew Luke and Hannah were a team, Luke might have taken the fall for one of Hannah's schemes.

"Okay, everyone else can go home, now that we found the culprit." Ms. Fields joked, "Luke and Emily, can I speak to you in the gym office? We need to talk."

"Sure, Miss. We'll meet you there." Luke said, looking towards me. I scoffed, giving him a glare and he shrugged his shoulders. "What?" 


"Why did you do it, Luke?" Ms. Fields asked Luke as we were both sat down in her office. Time passing by slowly ever second that we were in there. I didn't even understand why I was there as well. I didn't do anything wrong. Why did she want me here?

"Miss, he just hates me and this was one of his unnecessary pranks to flip me off." I said, speaking for Luke because he was dead silent. "But, this is a bit different than his usual jokes. He never really does anything."

"Luke? Do you have anything to say about your actions?" Ms. Fields asked and I was done with whatever we were doing.

"Hemmo, please say something so we can all go home." I said, annoyed and impatient.

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