Chapter 27

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Maia's POV:

Crap! We both completely forgot Jin was here. I could read Jk's look, 'we've been caught'. I didn't want to face Jin, so I just shut my eyes and sank low in the passenger's seat.

"Ya!!!" Jin was in shock, "yaaaaaahhhh, Jungkook-ah! I thought we were friends?! waaaaaahh!!" He leaned back in his seat, and folded his arms across his chest.

"Hyung- we are! But... we–"JK glanced at me, "just... were trying to figure things out" Jungkook looked at him through the rear-view mirror.

"What are you waiting for!? You need to tell everyone! Yoongi-ah has been saying he wants to–" Jin paused, and looked at me, "he likes Maia"

"I thought he had been talking to the Japanese singer we met in Osaka?" Jk hadn't let go of my hand.

"I did too, and I believe she's flying to Seoul soon to meet again, but I don't know anything!" Jin replied.

"Jin... can you try to keep it a secret for a few more days?" I finally turned around in my seat, "please" I tried my best to put on a puppy look to beg him.

"Ugh, fine! But If anyone asks I'm telling the truth!" 

We got to the convenience store on our way to the house. I got out of the car to get them since I didn't really need to be protected from anyone. I got everything we needed, got in the car and in a matter of 20 min we were at the house. The others had been cooking dinner already and the table outside was set since it was still bright.

 The others had been cooking dinner already and the table outside was set since it was still bright

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Because summer it's almost here, the sun has been setting quite later in the day. I can't believe it's already 5pm, it feels strange to see the sunset at 7pm. Yoongi and Hobi had the dinner ready in no time, these boys were hungry.

We finished eating, Sophie blushed and giggled every time Tae looked at her or put food on her bowl. He had asked the boys to make a special smaller portion of tonight's menu without any spicy ingredients so that Sophie could eat it. He made sure that she had water in her glass at all times. I noticed Jimin looking their way a couple times and laughing silently at how adorable Tae treated Sophie.

"Jungkook-ah, are you gonna tell us who is M? in your phone?" Hobi asked him playfully, nudging his arm. Jungkook was seating across from me, he smirked and lift up his gaze to meet mine. I giggled and continued eating.

"It's this girl I met" he murmured almost silently.

"YAAAA!!!" Hobi laughed, "our maknae met a girl!" he said loudly so that Namjoon who was sitting at the end of the table could hear.

I continued eating my meal, blushing... naturally, because that's all my body does.

"Ok, everyone!"  Namjoon stood up, "sleeping arrangements for tonight: there are two rooms in the boat house  and two rooms in the main house. Last time, the owner of the place let us use his personal space for Jimin-ah to sleep and thankfully the owner let us borrow it again!"

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