Chapter 36

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Maia's POV:

"Maia, the boys are free to go for lunch at a normal hour today!" Sophie jumped in excitement.

Because Sophie is not required to be here today, and Anna left to have lunch with Hobi, after my meeting I saw her at my desk playing with the post it notes. 

"Hi Maia, Nice to see you, did you sleep well? Thanks for asking!, how about you Soph?!" I said sarcastically since she didn't even say good morning. 

"Hi, hello, good morning, we get to see the boys today, let's go on a double date!" Sophie said excitedly. 

"Soph, calm down... I don't even know if I can have lunch today... I have to rehearse with Nam-" oh crap "I have so many things to do" 

Sophie grabbed my arm, "please Maia, we've never been on a double date" she pouted. 

"Of course I want to go on a date like that, do you know how fun it'll be! Let me check my schedule first, ok?" I checked my phone, I had no messages from Nam or Jimin. I texted them letting them know I was out for lunch and Jimin replied he was going home to sleep because they had a shooting late at night. "Do you even know where they are?" I asked Sophie.

"I don't, but we can always call them and tell them to meet at the restaurant" She grabbed her phone and dialed Tae's number. 

We decided it would be best if we met at the restaurant since paparazzis waited around HYBE sometimes to get pictures of the artists. Sophie and I walked to the restaurant that just a few blocks away from the building. The only request they had, was that the restaurant was a salad bar OR that they could have salads since they had to get ready for the muster. 

Sophie and I walked out of the building through the main entrance since the boys were getting there by car. I noticed a car with the windows half opened parked in front of the building, on the other side of the street. I didn't really think much of it, except for the fact that people usually close their windows, especially when parked. I just shrugged and kept walking. We got to the restaurant and because of COVID restrictions, we had wait in line because we hadn't called to make a reservation. We saw Tae and Jk get out of a car a few moments later. Both of them were looking so handsome; Tae had a brown fitted t-shrit and brown trousers. He wore a face mask and his curly hair that covered half of his face. Jk was wearing a white oversize tshirt that display his tattoos in full detail, oversize black jeans and a black face mask. They waved at us when our eyes met. Their body guard was with them, too. 

Tae approached Sophie and hugged her, planting a kiss on her cheek. Jk grabbed my hand and pulled me to kiss my lips. Mr. Lee went into the restaurant and came back in a matter of seconds. A waiter gestured us to come inside, and guided us to a table in the second floor of the restaurant. We sat down and immediately ordered our food because we were all starving. 

"So, how's the venue?" I asked them, Sophie was seating across from me, next to Tae. Jk was in front of Tae, next to me.

"It's not ready yet, but it looks great!" Tae said, "We are going to practice the choreos there next week and do sound check" 

The waiter brought the food, and behind the waiter came three beautiful girls who wanted the boys to give them their autographs. Mr. Lee got up from his seat and stopped the girls from approaching us immediately. He turned to us and got a nod from both Tae and Jk.

"Sure, no problem... just no photos, please" Jk indicated the girls. They signed the girls' phones and aprons and bowed down. The girls bowed back and went downstairs happier than ever.  

As we continued eating, Tae took a big bite of his chicken and said, "Jungkookie talked to Suga-hyung today... they had a pretty private conversation" he put JK on the spotlight. Jk's eye's widened and he froze, mid-bite of his lettuce wrap. 

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