Wind's of Change

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                                                                                    *Adam's POV*

I had made my decision. I spent way to many centuries as his plaything, just a prized doll in a very large and broad collection. I was sick and tired of giving in to whatever he wanted just because the universe chose him as almighty. Just because the universe chose him doesn't mean we ultimately have to listen to his every desire, I've learned to be my own person, no matter if he created me or not. If this plan went off without a single problem that meant I no longer had a purpose. Still, it was better than being a dressed up assistant for the rest of eternity. I wasn't going to have a purpose, but I didn't need one if it meant that things were better for everyone else involved... Plus I owe Lucifier and Lilith, after everything my actions caused I owed them this at the very least. I feel bad for Lyra, something about her made me feel genuinely happy even though my existence was everything but. I've worked with her day in and out, watched her work her way up to the top of the angels ever since her training. We had an unspoken understanding, loving someone we know was never meant for us. Maybe someday we could be happy like everyone else around us, who knows? That's assuming the plan works out in the end. 

After throwing Draven in the Decent to Hell, I walked to gods thrown room, my old friend of many centuries overjoyed. 

"All of our loose ends are tied up! We should celebrate!" He handed me a bottle of wine, the old tale of his people saying its his blood still in mind. I shooed it away.

"Not quite yet sir, remember the human girl?

He sighed taking a swig of the wine. "Right I forgot about her... We should probably deal with that Hm?" Yes exactly where I wanted him.

"Sir I think it would be a excellent idea if you dealt with her personally, just to make sure she dies and just in case a certain gang doesn't meddle Ill keep watch?" 

He stood from his throne, stretching his back like he hadn't moved in a million years. "Adam what would I do without you?" He pops into the decent machine while I put in the coordinates for earth. 

I feel a stabbing pain of betrayal, he was after all my old friend, and yet I continued the preparations of the plan, I will no longer be his doll for his picture perfect dollhouse.

                                                          *Rainn's POV*

I remember after I got done reading to the children at the library I couldn't find Draven anywhere, I looked anywhere and everywhere you could think of for days with no luck of seeing him. I started to think it was somehow my fault, was he upset with me? did I do something wrong? had I gotten him in some sort of trouble? I couldn't really do much about it. I remember keeping up with my daily routine of working the next few days when someone appeared from behind the bookselves. A man beyond any number I could think in age had approached me. 

"are you Rainn perhaps?" he sighed in an exhausted, old tone.

I shook my head in agreement, assuming it was the grandparent of one of the children I read too. 

"good, I'm a old friend of Draven's, hes is in some trouble and needs your help my dear," I was in shock, someone other than me and that girl with wings from before who knew him, exciting. I wanted to ask him questions until he got to the word trouble in that sentence. I took the hand he had held out, I had to help him any means necessary. 

                                                           *Lyra POV*

  I can recall Adam had told me before he descended me to hell the most important secrets for how this whole thing worked, the only place God is not almighty is on earth itself, he isn't invincible he can be killed by reapers just as any other person can, the only downside is whoever killed him has to take his place. The plan was in motion, Adam descended Lilith up to heavens base with him and descended Me, Draven and Lucifer into the fray on earth. I was meant as a distraction, lucifer was the attacker and Draven was going to protect Rainn, by an mean necessary. 

The old man has a certain way of doing things that no one can understand fully, not even a man who spent centuries by his side. He told me where he'd take her, a place known as "The Garden of Eden" some forest on the earth he said that Lilith would explain once found. Lilith said its the place they told Adam they loved each other, where god had changed Lilith after not liking what Lilith had to say. A place to forever remind people hes the one in control. A place none of them will ever forget. 

A burst of wind flew through the hills as we gazed out onto the overgrown lush greenery, flowers of every color of the rainbow and the smell of fresh air filled us all. I felt a rush over me, of what I honestly couldn't tell you...

let's just hope its a rush of something good. 

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