Is This The Right Thing To Do?

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                                                                                    * Draven POV*

  After my chat with Lyra I assumed it would be better for both me and Rainn if I kept my distance, maybe she would lay off if she had nothing interesting to keep tabs on and if I stayed away from her long enough Lyra would forget I broke the rules in the first place. As years went on Rainn began going to school and I would have to travel with her, a good distance behind her but I always listened to what the other kids said about her or whispered from one child to the next. My job as a reaper carried great perks, but even greater burdens. Everyday I had to listen to elementary students make fun of her for having an "Imaginary Friend" named Draven, call her insane or psychotic , and all the while watching her family get calls from the school and beating her up because of it. For me, It was really hard to watch her pretend like it didn't bother her and even harder for me not being able to hurt anyone that hurt her.

As she got older, she got much more intelligent. She learned not to talk about me with her parents or at school, meanwhile if she was ever alone she would hold one sided conversations with me from far away. No matter if I didn't answer she'd still tell me things like stuff about her and secrets she'd never tell anyone. I so badly wanted to talk to her , get her away from her awful place of living, at times I even thought maybe it would be better off if I just killed her and took her soul to descent to become an angel (I'd never allow her to become a reaper, I'd never wish that on my greatest enemy now) but I'd never get to see her. I'd be reincarnated and forget her or Lyra will get things the way she wants them or worse yet, she'll tell the boss about my broken rules and I'd be banished to Hell.

I punched a wall, it hurt my hand more than I hurt the wall. Tears were flowing down my face...Was this pain? sadness? anger? feelings? I was overwhelmed with emotions, I hadn't felt this way since I was alive. I'd felt emotions before but nothing like this. I looked over to Rainn who was busy headphones stuck in her ears doodling in a notebook pretending to do homework. Her hair was peachy blonde, it was bouncing to her head bobbing to the musics toon. When she was younger she always told me she hated her hair color cause it was her moms. I loved that she told me things like that...

When she got a little older however that stopped, she was 8 when school had got it into her head that what her parents said was correct. I was just a Reaper and nothing more, it was frowned upon to talk to me or even speak about me let alone being actually friends with me like she had been all her life. I honestly think it freaked her out that I was so close to her, maybe she assumed I was always so close because I wanted to kill her soon... I couldn't exactly tell her otherwise so I assumed thats what she believed. After that she quit talking to me more and more, she would only look back at me and give me a slight wave whenever she was alone. I didn't notice how much I missed talking to her until she was alone,she got new friends, started hanging out with them, a new emotion of jealousy overtook me,  that slight little wave I always got killed me but I figure it was for the best... It'll be easier to kill her with so much distance from her right?

                                                                 *Lyra's POV*

 I spent day in day out long after my shifts making sure Draven stayed in check. All of Dravens reaping career I watched him on one assignment to the next, getting closer and closer to an end goal I didn't want him to achieve. He wasn't lying when he said this human girl treated him differently, Rainn I think is what he called her. She treated him just the same as I did so many years ago and even now , so I didn't understand why she has his attention. She was a stupid human whos life was expendable all the same, easy to throw away. He could be with me for all of eternity in a place where nothing bad happens as long as you follow the rules, Earth the stupid place they live on was filled with despair and melancholy things that can happen, I watched the many deaths Draven had to endure, I thought when I took this position we'd understand each other better.

When Draven was an angel we went through training together, God said that our lives always had been connected in someway we knew each other before when we were alive but he wouldn't tell me how , He said we died at the same time on the same day. From the moment God gave us our first assignments he said we were always meant to be around one another. When we were first introduced to heavens base we became easy best friends, he'd tell me secrets about how he wanted to be the best at anything he achieved,  how he wasn't meant for being the best angel and that position belonged to me. We were really good friends for who knows how many centuries, until he grew bored of the everyday routine. I thought that would be cured when he took the reaping position but even then he grew bored of it quite quickly...

Still I'm not just going to let him go whether he reincarnates or ends up with that human girl, yes maybe I'm being selfish but if I let him go I'll be all alone, the person I've been connected to in my past life and this one will cease to be in my life and I cant let that happen...

Plus he'll be happier with me, right?

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