A Little Distance Goes a Long Way

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                                                                                  *Draven's POV*

I knew that book was bad news. If its got anything to do with Lucifer, the king of hell itself it couldn't be a good thing. He was known at heavens base as the evil incarnate, we didn't know all the details but the boss had always told us he used to be his friend and betrayed him, was first of the reapers to break the rules, is the reason they existed in the first place. I didn't know who this Lilith person was but if she was with the literal devil himself she couldn't be good either. I somehow had to get Rainn away from that Journal, if it was Lilith's that meant Rainn had to be in even more danger than I originally thought. I already have to deal with Lyra trying to kill her, I don't think I can handle both her and the overlord himself.

I won't lie though it was intriguing to hear that not only was Lilith a human woman but was speaking to Lucifer as well. Did this have anything to do with God and Lucifer's betrayal? If Rainn knew half the things I did she'd be getting the answers, I wish I could tell her. I read the story a hour or so in human time after she fell asleep. The boss had never once mentioned Lilith, Adam or Eve which made me even more curious. Why not tell us about them... why not give us all the details of why Lucifer betrayed him, it didn't make any sense.

I was caught off guard when Rainn started waving around in her sleep. Tossing and turning, making murmuring noises. I closed the book on her desk and hovered over the end of her bed, I knew somehow this was Lyra's doing...She was trying to scare her to death in her sleep, a death nightmare we call them. They were rare ( I myself have only seen them once or twice)  but could still happen especially in people that experience stressful trauma, like a car accident or splitting their head open at a young age. I knew If I touched her it was another rule break, I didn't want to end up banished to hell like Lucifer was, but it hurt me more that I couldn't shake her awake. All I could do was sit back and watch and it infuriated me, could Lucifer touch Lilith? could he have helped her when he needed too? Rainn was right to be envious of them, it wasn't fair. Should I really let her keep living I mean if we can't be like them, like Lilith and Lucifer whats the point?

she abruptly woke from her sleep , sweat covered sheets and tangled in her black and white marbled patterned  comforter. She looked as though as if she were tangled in smoke, elegant but horrifying.  I was so thankful she was alive, even though I knew in the back of my head she would be, I can't kill her even if I think that's whats best for her. The first thing she did when she woke up was look me in the eyes, I don't know what about them was so mesmerizing, a cool gray eerily serene, nearly colorless, almost like staring at a monochromatic photograph. The second thing she did was look at my torso as if checking it throughly, making sure it was the same as she left it when she had fallen asleep. When she was done making sure all was the same the third and last thing she did was hold her hand up to her neck, also as if she was making sure it was the same as she left it. I knew in that moment her dream had to be bloody, full of death and despair. She must of dreamed something unimaginable, it engulfed me in raw fury. This was Lyras doing, she mentally had used me as an advantaged. Maybe its better if I didn't mettle in her life even a little then Lyra will have no reason to harm her even mentally, so I decided from that moment on I would be far far away from her, way out of distance that way she can't talk to me, it wasn't fair but at least it kept her safe for the time being.

                                                                         *Lyra POV*

I stared at the screen my work area covered in empty coffee beverages and snack bags. i couldn't believe my eyes, she still wasn't fucking dead. I threw my half drank iced mocha in the direction of the garbage behind me , HARD. I imagined it was that stupid human girls face. "UGH WHY ISNT THIS WORKING! HE SHOULD HAVE WANTED TO COME HOME BY NOW!!" suddenly my ears picked up footsteps. God Dammit its God himself and his little lacky Peter, I knew he'd tell him.

"Lyra explain your stress?" His long wizard like white beard flopped up and down as he spoke, I was so fierce and uncontrollable at that point I couldn't manage to keep it in, if he doesn't wanna be with me he can rot in hell for all I care. maybe if I tell him now I won't go down there with him.  "Draven has broken the rules sir!" quickly and foolishly I felt guilt crawl up my throat. God's eyes were wide from under his furrowed brows, anger arose in his deep voice. "Which one ?" I looked over to the cam and pointed, Rainn was talking to him I knew it wouldn't be long before she said it. Suddenly her voice world wide type of loud as if it rang through the whole of Heavens base said "Draven this has something to do with you". God looked fearful but not because of Dravens name being bellowed but because of the book the girl was holding. "Sir what is that?"

"That my dear, is something that doesn't belong in the human world." He slid his hands through his white beard almost as if a nervous tick. "why sir, its just a stupid journal?" He stopped and eyebrows furrowed again. "That child is not just any ordinary diary, it belongs to one of the first humans and if it gets in the wrong hands can destroy the world I built!" He exhaled a long sigh "Lyra you have a new mission, Peter will keep an eye on Draven and you are going to go get that book." "but sir what about Draven breaking the rules?" I folded my arms "you can have Draven all you want and kill that girl, but only after you get that book for me !" damn this book must be really powerful if the boss wants it so bad. "Yes,sir" and as I was told I headed for descent once again.

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