The Playhouse Accident

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                                                                                    *Draven POV*

  For the first couple years of Rainns life I stayed pretty far away from her, still within sight but too far to reach. Something about her was different than any other person I'd ever watched over before, and I've done this 99 other times.  At some point it started feeling like a repetitive chore, but this being was different and back then i couldn't really figure out why. For the time being I watched everything she did just like every other reaper did with who they watched over,I watched her get scrapes and bruises learning how to walk, watched her tumble over words until she finally learned how to talk, everything. She had an extraordinary way about her, she even at a young age could see me and insisted on me playing games like hide and seek with her. With one of the many rules of reapers in mind (You cannot interact with a human unless they're close to death) I pushed it aside, she was a little kid plus here parents will just push it off as childish imagination, its not like she'll remember any of it anyway. I played hide and seek with her for as long as she was a toddler until she learned how to talk, it was when she was two I realized this was a grave mistake. She learned to talk and would constantly ask for my name, annoying every fiber of my being. I figured if I just told her my name the constant harassment would stop, but another of the rules fresh in mind (Under any circumstance DO NOT TELL A HUMAN YOUR REAL NAME). I never answered her until she was three and the playhouse accident happened.

It was a tall wooden playhouse , her father had built it for her 3rd birthday. She spent everyday climbing the rock wall and swinging on the swings. One summer day though her parents weren't paying attention and I was in the other neighbors yard sitting on a patio swing, watching. Reapers have a weird power of knowing when things that can cause death are about to happen. I remember that feeling happening the moment I sat on that patio chair, its like a pit in your being, it feels like your insides are eating at you. I remember wanting to feel excited , I mean I was finally going to go home, reincarnate , maybe even get to the boss or even Peter before Lyra did but... I wasn't. I didn't understand why, I mean that's what I want right? I was forced back into reality when Rainn yelled "HEY!! MISTER CLOAK MAN" shes called me that for forever, I snapped back to this reality , she was standing on the top of the rock wall"Whats your name?" I stayed silent for what felt like the millionth time just this week. She looked disappointed in my silence and tried to climb down the rock wall when she slipped on one of the fake rocks losing her grip and falling to the floor. I immediately ran over to her maybe this could be my chance , I'd stop hesitating but when I saw the massive gash in her head that's exactly what I did. I'd in my many centuries of being a reaper have seen much worse done to a human , some by their own actions others by the stupidity or recklessness of others but none of those ever made me stop like this one. I had a weight in my chest, my fingers tingling numb , my heart beating for the first time since my own death so many centuries ago. She was losing alot of blood and her eyes were closed, in that moment the only thing I wanted was for her to be happy and I remembered the one thing she'd always wanted up until that moment . I leaned in close to her ear, "Names Draven."

It was moments later when her mother found her, and rushed her to the hospital. I was anxious, I mean obviously she wasn't going to die that choice is up to me to decide , but I didn't want to take her. I didn't want to ever see her get hurt, but why do I care? I mean I just risked my whole career on her happiness. What was Peter going to say about this,or the boss for that matter,  I broke reaper law! The boss will be furious and I'll end up just like... No, I just won't tell anyone, plus Rainn's like 3 and was unconscious its not like she'll remember what I said. I looked at her, I hadn't noticed her eyes wide open, awake but with multiple stitches across her head, she sleepily rubbed her eyes "Draven?"

Little did I know at the time but Lyra was watching my every move back at base....

                                                         *Lyra POV*

 I even as a new angel was given the most important tasks , one of them being the ultimate transporter. Everyday I would watch the love of my life go excitedly too a new adventure, while I stayed at base waiting for his return. Back when Draven was an angel like me it was different, he was bold and harsh then yes, but not nearly as bad as he is now, we were equals on the same plain of existence I remember when he made his vow to if he ever gets to reincarnate he'd take me out on a date because he understood how upset I'd be . I honestly am a little jealous of him, I kneel to the bosses every whim and desire only to be given more positions in return. I ask him every single time for the same thing and its always the same retort "You can't make him stay, that's his choice." Draven wanting to reincarnate is ridiculous, why start over when he can live his life happy with me here at heavens base? I've been planning to convince him to stay at our promised date.  At least that ancient relic of a boss gave me a few new positions that are at least a little helpful. 

The gaurdian angel position and the angels fate position

Gaurdian angel position means that I can overlook on Draven and other reapers whenever I want, making sure they follow through on their jobs, aren't breaking any rules (not that draven would ever break the rules) and aren't conspiring with Satan. It lets me see him whenever I want. I can also transport to him, if he ever does any of those things.

The other is a little more interesting...

The angels fate position means I can help cause situations that involve a quicker death to humans. I can cause accidents, murder, and take control of other humans to influence their death in anyway... Thats when I decided to help Draven along with his last assignment. I made the rain fall that morning harder than normal and that's all it took, except Draven didn't take the bait and broke a main rule in reaper law, He told her his name! Why ?! Was he really starting to feel sorry for a stupid human toddler?!? I brushed it off , maybe he just didn't want to kill her at such a young age and figured he'd wait awhile longer so I planned out descend on the computer, figured if he'd explain himself to anyone it would be me, after all he is the love of my life.

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