Reaper and an Angel

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                                                                                       *Draven's POV*

 I remember reading that clipboard over and over word from word as I headed to the descent section of Heaven's base. Only reapers and the other lackeys could go to descent , and only the best known could go without any accompaniment. It was a room filled wall to wall with angels, personally I remember being one of them for a short time, still have the wings to prove it. I hated it though , never liked being an over obnoxious kiss ass to the boss. I wanted to be a reaper instead so I talked it over with him and he agreed, gave me permission. He told me white angel wings didn't really suit the shade of death so I hid them under a cloak, and thats where they've stayed for whoever knows how long I've been here, all the more reason to get out. One of the angels, a girl with a brown ponytail and glasses,  pulled me back to reality "you've got an assignment I see?" I showed her the clipboard and she stared in amazement "Draven your  100th?! thats really something"I forgot I'd see Lyra, speaking of obnoxious kiss ass, she was our main transporter one of the best to know how the descent machine worked. Lyra pushed up her glasses and read off all the important info "well everything seems to be in perfect order I'll ready the transport  and Draven?" I sighed knew exactly what she was going to say "don't forget the date you promised me?"every other angel in the room looked at us as I stepped on the transporter.  I rolled my eyes, she was so obnoxious.  I made the promise over a bazillion decades ago when I was a angel, does she really expect me to keep it ? 

I got beamed exactly where I anticipated, In a hospital telling by the window 2nd floor. I was so pissed off at Lyra for saying that in-front of the other angels, now word will get back to Peter and I'll never hear the end of it. My so called reincarnation party will be nothing but people whispering about me and Lyra. Knowing the boss and Lyra's relationship she'll tell him all about her little crush on me, and he wont even let me reincarnate. I kick a trash can only for it to phase right through me ( transport hasn't worn off yet)  making me fall flat on my face, good thing nobody can see me yet. I picked myself up dusted myself off and continued walking down the hall.

I finally got a hold of my floating powers again by the time I reached the door I needed, in big white letters it read DELIVERY ROOM , I pushed my face up against the glass and a women in her mid 20s holding a baby was sitting on a table , who by my surprise wasn't yelling or screaming. She was perfectly silent. I got my hopes up , maybe she would die as an infant I could get my job done quick and get to the boss before Lyra did. My hopefulness was short lived however, when she was getting cleaned and checked by doctors all saying how beautiful she was, like they do for every human. I followed behind her as she was wheeled off into another room a short walk down the hall , on the door in big white letters in read NURSERY. I followed close behind but stayed out , one of the rules fresh in mind "we have no knowledge on if newborns can see all reapers or just their own, so stay a distance away from them"  I remained outside the big glass window. in real time it was probably hours but for me seconds when she opened her eyes. I finally realized how beautiful she was, her pale skin was still a pinkish tint from just being born, what hair she did have on her was dark , her eyes were the most pleasing thing about her , they were a metallic silver, they shined like pocket change and reminded me of the moon or fog rolling across the ground on humid rainy days. I assumed that's why her parents named her Rainn.

I remember I waved at her and I'll never forget the smile she gave me. Usually on every other assignments I'd been on some babies cried , laughed , even slept right through our first interaction but I'd never seen one smile like that before.

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