The Slip Up

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                                                                                * Lyra's POV*

 I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs ,  jump through the screen , punch it over and over just to get his attention but I couldn't. I looked over my shoulder, Adam keeping his eyes locked on me. I couldn't as long as he was watching my every move.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I needed him to have something better to do.

He ignored my question completely, he dragged his chair he was in closer to me and looked puzzling at the screen. "You should put poison in the kids cigs , she'll never know what hit her and it'll be fun to watch the jock get accused of murder. you accomplish your goal and get a fun watch..."

I was speechlessly horrified, how did he know how to do this so well? I did as I was advised            ( didn't want to get caught by not doing so) ,  He even came up with better tactics than I did. I was illy intrigued...

"Peter, How did you-" I was cut off.

"Who do you think ran the place before you showed up , Angelcake? " I froze, Did they know somehow that I knew everything? Did he see me spying?

I jokingly exclaimed "well I always assumed our boss did..."

He increasingly got very un-amused and annoyed  "sure, he seems like he comes up with all the ideas but all he does is take the credit for it..." I asked what he meant but I wish I hadn't.

Adam broke down a little "You see me and you are not as different as you think, I was like you once, many moons ago, hopelessly in love with a woman I didn't have the heart, that belonged to somebody else... I even tried to get my friend to make her love me."

I again was intrigued "how did it end up?"

Adams face  froze over, caught in a deep seeded memory . "Well...lets just say it didn't end how I had hoped... I don't want the same fate for you Lyra."

I sat wondering how Adam had gotten in his position , he was the right hand man servant of our boss if I kept letting things happen the way they are, If I let Draven be happy and be with the human girl and I make it out of being banished alongside them is being God's second hand all I have to look forward too? I didn't want that... but did I really want to be banished either?  Either way I'd end up the same way, sad and alone.

I watched Rainn throw the poison laced cigarette onto the ground, stomping into it. I didn't want her to die, but I didn't want to be alone either. My heart felt like that cigarette. Suddenly I broke out into tears. At once Adam held me in his arms, for some reason or another he looked younger, 20 something, blonde with a beard. Peter, the old second hand man to our boss no longer existed, Adam did.

He looked down at me, " Lyra I promise, you won't ever be alone. Adam will always be here for you." I felt like I could believe him, I felt safe but was I really? Let's risk it and find out.

I took the chance I was given..."Adam? Who's Adam? I thought your name was Peter?" Instantly I felt his spine shift straight, chills ran down his skin.

He let go of me, and tried to play it off like he didnt say it although  I wouldn't allow it. He eventually sighed "Well ... It's a long story..."

                                                   *Draven's POV*

 A year of human time passed after that party, She talked to me more than ever and I was relieved although I didn't get much opportunity to listen to her, Rainn now considered an adult in the other human beings eyes. She didn't seem all that different to me, still the childish eyes I had looked into years ago. Rainn gained herself a job after school hours, reading to younger children at the library. It hurt me that after all the years of the childrens parents seeing her in the death and reaper departments, they wouldn't trust her with most of the children. All the kids loved her but only a fews parents didn't care to take them away from her... one little girl with braided pigtails and round glasses, spaced buck teeth reminded me so much of something I couldn't remember.

Suddenly my thoughts went off like a switch, bumping me out of my inner monologue . I was hearing someone calling me. I looked to my left towards the cooking books, nothing not a single soul.

"Haha, can't believe the things my followers write" It came from the right , religion books  scattered across the walls and a familiar old man stood with a single book in hand.

"Boss, What are you doing here?" He shut the book loudly but nobody turned at us. I looked confused at him "They only see me if I want them too...anyways," He put the book back up on the shelf. "Draven I've decided that because of your outstanding record as a reaper , you are being promoted."

I shrugged in fear and puzzled facial expression... "but sir..." This isn't what I wanted. I wanted to stay by her side. Time froze around us. I looked at her happily reading to the handful of small children,stuck in time.

"Draven come now, really think about it... Is this really what you want for her? You'll never grow old together, never be married, her parents will never accept you. She'll never get what she always dreamed of... a stable family. Do you really want to take that away from her?"

I winced as his hand met my shoulder. He wasn't wrong, i continued to stare in her direction overthinking his words carefully. "What does this promotion entail? Will she be safe?"

He tisked at me "I have no plan on hurting the human girl any time soon in fact I can tell you exactly what happens in her future, the one without you in it. She marries the Jock from that party, she has dinner with her parents finally accepting her, she gives birth to some really adorable children and dies at the hands of me, someone she won't ever see... of the only wholesome death there is, old age."

"But she won't remember a thing about me will she?" I knew where this story goes, I've seen it in comics a thousand times.

"Nope, but you'll be reincarnated, you won't remember a thing about her either. As the humans say... Ignorance is bliss." Like I had always said she was better off without me anyways. I didn't have any idea how true it was until now.

"...Hows Lyra? I don't doubt she flew back to you and Peter when she got injured."

"She'll be happy to see you, damaged but indeed not a single once of ill will towards you, its fascinating really."

"what exactly do you get out of this anyway?" His hand immediately left my shoulder, balled up into fists.

"oh come on, I do care about you and all of my people but more importantly..." He grabbed me by the wrist , revealing the biggest set of wings I'd ever seen in our world...He immediately snapped his other hands fingers together and like that I was staring at the white cloud walls of Heavens Base.

He dragged me to my slice of Heaven room ,locked me behind the door.

"That is none of your concern..."

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