Keep Them Safe

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                                                                                    *Rainns POV*

 That nightmare never made me sleep the same again, actually never made me sleep. I was completely overwhelmed with how it fit into this. I never had a nightmare like that, I figured it had something to do with the book I'd been reading. After months of not having the nightmare again I assumed it was just because of my constant fixation on the book and its mystery it kept. As the months went by I noticed Draven got further and further away, just out of line of view. I wondered if the nightmares effect on me had caused him to be so distant. I decided to take a break being Sherlock Holmes for a few years, since Draven wasn't keeping me company , I actually made some friends in the real world to keep me preoccupied...after all, nobody is best friends with only their reaper, it got hard to be best friends with someone who wouldn't talk to you AND wouldn't listen to what you had to say.

When I turned 16 I decided to rebel against my parents outwardly, Dyed my hair metallic silver to match my eyes, wore grunge style clothing, and got my hands on make-up. Of coarse they only beat me more, told me I was possessed by demons and was a whore but it made me feel good, I actually was doing things for me for once and I didn't care what they wanted. I got into a school group of outcasts who were known for not following the normal rules. I lost interest in everything that did with school but kept going so I could talk to my friends, after all I didn't really have a reaper best friend anymore anyway.

He may still have been on the sidelines far away, was witnessing everything as he'd always done my whole life, but this was the first time I'd ever seen him with such a sadness in his eyes. I felt bad for him, he was a person with feelings but he was a reaper and I was a human for all we knew Lucifer and Lilith could of been killed for doing what they did, I didn't want to go my whole life pretending he wasn't there but I didn't have a choice. I was trying to keep us both safe.

                                                                         *Draven POV*

 I watched her from so far away and I hated it, I wanted to hear her talk about her new friends and why she decided to defy her parents wishes , and more things like that but I couldn't. I kept my distance watching from afar like a reaper is suppose to do, but it felt so wrong. I wanted to tell her I thought her hair suited her better, prettier than her mothers hair color ever could be. I wanted to tell her how eye-catching she was in her short black skirt and fishnet stockings, and how lovable she looked in her peachy blush and colorless foundation.

Wait, did I just say lovable? I'm a reaper it isn't possible for me to say those words let alone love a human. It defys the whole purpose of being a reaper. If I did love her, that would be a cruel joke on us. I mean I'm suppose to kill her, I can't love her! Although that would explain why I'm so hesitant in killing her, I'm selfish, I want her all to myself. It also explains why I'm so protective of her.  I must be insane... but its not like its a new concept, Lilith was a human in love with a reaper, why couldn't it be the other way around? NO! It's too dangerous for me to love her, if Lyra is just going after her to have me, she'd be even more gunning for her death if she knew I had romantic feelings for her. I distanced myself farther, still being able to see Rainn but way out of earshot. It was for the best, after all I had to keep her safe.

                                                                         *Lyra POV*

I hated the way the decent machine made me feel after using it, half existent. I was in a school this time when I saw Draven looking in from the outside of a window.I quickly hid behind a wall. I know I was suppose to go get that stupid Journal the girl had but I couldn't help but stare. He seemed bleak, like he was present but far away. I wanted to talk to him, maybe warn him about God and the Journal but if I did I'd go down with him, I knew he'd be punished in some way by what God said he'd be punished spending the rest of his days with me as long as I comply with his wishes... Isn't that what I wanted? I guess so,  I mean he'd be safer with me anyway, if hes stuck in a white picket fence house with just me he wouldn't get into so much trouble. I mean messing around with Lucifer and the other hellions has dangerous written all over it.

Yes I know he wouldn't be happy but thats a small price to pay if it means that he's going to be safe, after all maybe he'll be thankful I pulled him out of a world of damnation and into a world of living with me. Hey maybe at the end of it he'll fall head over heels for me for saving him. Yeah, even if that doesn't happen at least he'll be safe.

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