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                                                                                   *Rainn's POV*

I was so fed up with my complicated paper that was due the next day that I figured it wouldn't hurt to walk away from it and take a nice warm shower to restart my brain. Although I wasn't fixated on the paper as much as I was on the Journal, in some way my nightmare and the journal had to be connected more than just the stress causing it. The lukewarm water rushed over my skin causing me to release a sigh, how else was it all connected? Draven must know, but for some reason can't tell me... or rather won't tell me. Maybe he's keeping it from me on purpose? I mean he seemed rather shaken from the mention of Lucifer,he obviously knows who that is and is afraid of him. Is it because he actually is the overlord of Hell or other reasons? If he's a reaper maybe he interacts with him... it is said that reapers take the souls to the underworld or heaven when they die in that other book, although I don't know how much of that is true. I figured it was about time I started focusing back on what really matters, figured I should take another read of the journal , reassess my nightmare and reread the other book as well and mark up all that matched up with one another.

Thats when I heard what sounded like running and what sounded like a hawk chasing its prey down my hallway staircase. I stayed still , water hitting me in the back , I didn't comprehend what was going on.

Thats when I started to hear yelling , a gravelly young adult male. I couldn't make out the words but his voice was husky and extremely loud, someone I'd only heard once before. It was Draven's voice and he obviously wasn't happy with whatever he was yelling at. Finally a high-pitched voice arose from what sounded like the living room, a young woman.  I could hear the sounds but it was like when those parents from the peanut movies were talking , no words just noise. I decided to turn off the shower nozzle and step out. I wrapped the towel around me and walked out the door, standing at the top of the stairs, hiding behind the railing looking down. I couldn't believe my eyes.

A woman with angelic white wings,  golden brown hair tied up in a bouncy ponytail , peachy skin and thick round rimmed glasses was bent in front of the fireplace. She was dressed in a flowy white dress with gold accents, and she seemed to be holding her hand like a wounded bird. She was crying tears of pain, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE DRAVEN, SHES DEAD AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" And with that she spread her wings out wide across the whole living room and took off in an angry swoop. It was mesmerizing to watch but heartbreaking to hear.

I slowly descended the staircase, forgotten about how the only thing covering me was a towel due to all the commotion and looked directly at Draven. "Draven, why did I hear screaming?" The blood quickly rushed to his face, black hair covering his eyes and when I noticed so did mine from embarrassment, I can't believe I came downstairs half naked with a young man in my living room!  Quickly my eyes darted from Draven's cute hair over his eyes, ashamed look to the fireplace and I noticed the journal engulfed in flames...surely that couldn't be it, but that was indead the leather bound cover and aged pages.


Quickly my flushed cheeks from earliers embarrassment turned to rage. My eyes filled up with overwhelming tears and anger, I knew he was hiding stuff from me but to go this low was beyond painful, I felt betrayed and mistreated. The abuse my parents gave me I was used to but my childhood best friend burning the only lead I had to understanding his world was devastatingly trampling.

Was I really surprised? I mean he is a reaper his one and only job is to kill me and take my soul after I'm gone, but if so why was he protecting me for so long? maybe trying to gain my trust so it would make his job easier for him later? I figured that must be it, maybe he didn't want me finding out about the reaper world and that's why he burned it. If that was it what was with the angel girl? I had so many unanswered questions...

Quickly my legs carried me to my room in a sprint, I slammed the door so the whole world could hear it, especially him.  In the moment I never wanted to see him again. I turned my back toward the door and slumped down back against it. I put my knees to my head and began to sob. None of it made sense.

                                                              *Draven's POV*

I know I said I didn't care before but when I saw the cogwheels of her brain turn I knew it was going to destroy me.  I saw in real time her whole heart shatter when she realized what I had done. I wanted to yell wait , wanted to scream at the top of my lungs how sorry I was, explain that I had no other choice if I didn't want Lyra to get her hands on it. It was no use, nothing not a single word came out. Even if I did tell her I'd have to explain everything, Lucifier, Lyra, God, My job, everything! I knew if I did she'd be in immediate danger, rather than impending danger later like I just chose. At least this way I'd have some time to plan to protect her, even if she hates me at least she's safe for now.

Quickly she sprinted up the stairs and this time my heart shattered, I knew I had just done so much worse than anything her parents had done to her. I was her only real true friend and I had stabbed her in the back. She slammed the door so loud the walls shook and my heart felt like anchor was attached to it, it sank into the ocean of my stomach, if I was capable I would of sworn I'd throw up.  I slumped against the door ,hearing her weep... how could I do this to the human I so desperately loved?

I damaged her, and I don't think I can fix it. I guess the price I pay for keeping her heart beating is breaking mine.

                                                                   *Lyra's POV*

I held my hand close to my body. My hand was still chared and stinging like crazy when I finally ascended back to Heavens base. He and Peter were completely mortified when I walked to Gods thrown room... "What happened too you?" He bellowed, quickly Peter got a first aid kit and started bandaging it up.

"What does it look like? I tried to get that stupid book from Draven and his assignment..." I winced in pain as Peter finished up the bandages and hand cream.

"Did you get it?" He looked excited, until I shook my head no. He became increasingly annoyed "Psh dissapointing." Peters eyes narrowed almost slanted in disgust.

I had hoped he wouldn't get anymore annoyed when I told him the book was nothing but ashes now.

"Sir, uh-" I was cut off.

"No don't bother with that useless thing now," he stroked his beard as if in a thoughtful stump. I quickly became infuriated ,I just went on a mission that cost me my left hand for no fucking reason! My body was damaged for no gain! he turned around and quickly I regained my composure. "Alright sir, so now what do we do?"

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