The Choice

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                                                                       *Lyra's POV*

 I followed them both home after school that day, dodging behind buildings, trees , bushes and ledge walls to avoid them. I knew if he saw me spying from the ground he'd pick up the hint that God was on his trail. I knew if she saw me, she'd just tell him and it'd be all over. I knew from keeping close eye on her she always kept the Journal in her crossbody bag.One of those stupid hippie colored ones too, Incredibly tacky in my opinion. I don't understand what he sees in her...

Okay Lyra focus. I watched her unlock her house with a key and walk inside, Draven being dramatically a sulk was trailing way behind her for a second not paying attention, weird, he seems somewhere else. FOCUS! I flew in with my angel wings through her upstairs open window. I quickly flapped into the closet, closing the door behind me. It was one of those closets with slated doors so I could see everything. Rainn came into the room, and Draven was sulking in the hallway across from me. My heart fluttered , he can't know I'm here can he? 

Rainn sat at a desk sat at a laptop appearing to be doing schoolwork for a hour maybe, she then grabbed a bundle of clothes from her dresser and walked out of the room, now the only one left is Draven. I thought for a second, maybe if I reasoned with him told him it was dangerous he'd just hand it over, He must care about her enough to do that... alright I trust his judgement. I hope I end up being right.

                                                                *Draven's POV*

I so badly wanted to talk to her, let her know how I felt but the last thing I wanted to do was put her in even more danger. She was sitting doing homework for about an hour and then got some clothes and got into the shower, while I stood still leaning in the bedroom doorway. Suddenly, her closet door swung open and Lyra appeared infront of me. The person who is causing the person I love to be in so much danger, constantly trying to force me into situations where she could die if I chose to do so. I immediately became enraged, i took my hand around her throat and slammed her into the wall.

"Come on Draven please just hear me out..." She struggled to get each word out, while grasping at my fist trying to get me to let up.

I let up a little, Rainns shower water was still running , I didnt want Rainn to see me do stuff like this. "Give me one good reason why I should."

"because I'm trying to warn you, your girlfriend," she looked out into the hall as if motioning toward it "Shes in trouble."

I immediately put her down "Why should I trust you? ever since I met her you've been trying to get me to kill her!"

"because Drave like your trying to protect her, I'm just trying to protect you!" She screamed at me, shes only ever done that when she's worried. She isn't lying.

"How?" I sounded desperate I'd do anything to protect her.

"That Journal she has , apparently it belongs to the lord of hell, He came to heaven looking for it destroyed half of heavens base, and now he's after you and your little girlfriend too."

I froze he's a reaper, he's the only other one that can actually kill her. "What should I do and don't say kill her that isnt an option."

She sighed I knew that was the first thing that came to her mind "God wants you to give me the book so I can give it to him and he can give it back to Lucifier.".

I hesitated she could be lying but I couldn't think of any other reason as to why the boss would want the journal , plus all I want is for her to be safe and if it means parting with the journal so be it, sure she'd be pissed off, maybe even never speak to me again but thats the price of keeping her safe. All I wanted was to keep her safe.

I quickly walked over to her bag , pulled all her notes out of the journal and held it in my hands. I can live with her hating me for the rest of my life , as long as she was safe, but what if she's lying? "Our deals off if I give you this right? I can wait as long as I want right?"

"Yeah sure as long as you give me that journal Drave do whatever you want..." She looked at my hands...she needed it like her life depended on it... but all shes ever wanted is me.

I quickly rushed down the stairs, Lyra chased me grabbed the book once I was in the livingroom. We both struggled "Drave what are you doing?! You'll kill yourself and your girlfriend!"

"Lyra the only thing you've ever wanted is me, you'd never give up on that deal" eventually she lost her grip and i throw the book into the lit fireplace, it quickly engulfed.

"NO!" she screamed and tried grabbing it from the fire burning her left hand, she was crying now. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE, SHES DEAD DRAVEN AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" In a rage she spread out her angelic wings and flew out the front door holding her left hand in her right, it was burned pretty badly. How did we go from such good friends to enemies.

Rainn came down the stairs, a Capri towel wrapped around her body and long silver hair dampened from her misty shower. "Draven, why did I hear screaming?" My eyes didn't leave her and quickly my cheeks flushed , I turned around quick and saw the book in the fireplace...

Right, I'm in trouble, I hope I made the right choice .

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