To Deal With an Angel

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                                                                        * Dravens POV *

For about a month in human time, Rainn had stitches in her head. She was so embarrassed on the days she had to go to daycare or even had to leave the house. I from that moment forward kept a close eye on her, made sure she wasn't being reckless. During the times her mother and father weren't around she would talk to me, try and ask me questions that I wouldn't answer, Ive broken enough rules already. Time passed rather quickly and soon she and her parents were prepping her for school telling her all these lies about how I wasn't a person, how she shouldn't call me by my name and beat it out of her if she did. It pissed me off, I couldn't exactly tell her they were wrong , I wasn't allowed too.I couldn't stop them, I couldn't even protect her.  I remember as she got wiser I thought maybe if I'd broken one rule it wouldn't matter if I broke a few more. That was the same day my whole career was threatened, my end goal was at stake.

I remember that day was like every other , she had just turned 5 and she was playing at the park with some friends on a summer afternoon , not really paying attention to me leaning against a tree a few yards away. I wasn't really doing anything, thinking about what I was going to do if Peter or Lyra or the boss ever found away? to where exactly? I couldn't leave Rainn and Lyra would never give up on finding me. Plead for forgiveness? Because that worked out for every angel and reaper that broke the rules before. That was when a shining light erupted from the forest a few feet back from where I was standing, I knew that light source, I knew the glistening sound it made , it was descent. I walked toward it , If I'm going to be in trouble for something that caused Rainn happiness  I'm going to face it head on.

Lyra by my surprise was floating in the air, eyes white with no pupils or iris's. White dress with gold accents flowing in the wind,  I expected to see one of the three of them but if I had to put my bets on anyone it would of been Peter. I stared at her mouth a gape, I'd never experienced anyone (beside my own experience) with descent and it was horrifying to watch, although she was kinda mesmerizing, not that I'd ever tell her that.  Her eyes eventually turned the usual golden brown color and she came too. She simply floated to the ground, knees wobbling from the stress descent puts on your body and I started with "are you alr-" I got punched in the face before I could finish my sentence. "What the fuck have you done Draven?! You broke reaper law?!" Well, its safe to assume she knows...

                                                               *Lyra's POV*

My knuckles were scratched and bloody , I felt a little bad punching him in the face but I knew Draven, he wasn't going to listen to reason. "You better have a damn good reason for this." My voice was shaking , my fists still held in clenches, but I was happy. I had something to hold over his head, I could finally make him stay. Obviously I could never tell God, our boss, He'd just exile him like he did with other rule breakers, our boss told us hell was a place of torture ,a place no one deserved to go. He'd be banished to Hell and I'd never see him again but he doesn't know that.

"Lyra listen," Draven held out his hand , I sighed and took it helping him up "I don't know what it is about Rainn but-"

"Draven you are literally risking everything over a pathetic human? ITS JUST ONE LIFE DRAVEN!"

"Lyra she's different, for some reason she makes me feel like a person again , like I'm alive aga-"

"I dont care Draven!" I screamed at this point my brown ponytail swishing in the earths air, I looked away toward the sun setting sky, purples fading into blues, yellows and then pinks, romantic atmosphere if the jealousy wasn't  flowing through my being.  I needed to calm down and think rationally, it was time to use my ace in my sleeve. "You know I have to tell HIM about this right?"

He looked in shock he had to know deep down somewhere what would happen to him if I did, "You wouldn't risk losing me...would you?"

A pain shot through me he was playing my feelings like an instrument , I was shocked he would stoop so low. "Listen... I'll give you this, you have until she turns 18 to get rid of her in exchange I want a promise..."

" what?" Draven scowled I had a feeling he already knew what it'd be.

"You have to promise me no reincarnation until we both decide too, you stay with me in heavens base as an angel for the rest of eternity..." I smiled seductively and sly  "We become a couple and we live out the rest of eternity in our own heaven,until I say otherwise."

Draven paused and eyebrows furrowed "I'm assuming if I dont or if I refuse-" I cut him off.

"I tell God and everyone who will listen at Heavens Base all the rules you have broken , you'll be exiled to Hell and never get to reincarnate, Ever."

Draven paused "How did you know I broke the rules?"

I laughed "You really think our boss wouldn't give me the position of Guardian Angel? Oh, and thats not the only trick I have up my sleeve either. "

He was shocked he in defeat begrudgingly shook his head yes. I held out my hand for a handshake and we made our deal. "Remember you have until shes 18," I made a slice like motion across my neck, and quickly changed to blowing him a kiss. "Love ya !" I Ascended back to Heavens Base Transport and planned out my next attempt on that stupid human girls life, the last thing that trashy human girl is going to take from me is my own happy little version of heaven!

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