The Car Accident

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                                                                                *Rainns POV*

   I couldn't understand him, my reaper. Ever since I was a toddler and could remember anything he was around, it kind of creeped me out at first. I distanced myself from him more and more, couldn't understand why something? No...Someone would grow up with someone all their life just to end up killing them. Don't they feel remorse or any kind of regret after they do? Does taking someone to the afterlife mean they're a bad person and it's their fault they died? Can I honestly hate him for something he possibly can't help doing? The more I thought about it the more questions came to my mind, I decided the best thing to do to answer those questions was to research them. Whenever weekends rolled around I would tell my parents I had homework, anything to get a break from my terrible household and scamper off to the library, pick up every book in the afterlife, reaper, and death category. Dust  and cobwebs covered the shelves , the librarian and anyone else would give weird looks but that wasn't a new occurrence for me. I always was the weird kid for having an imaginary friend even though everyone else had a reaper too. I dug up common knowledge of reapers that I learned in school, personal accounts on other peoples experiences with reapers but nothing like mine, and even physical descriptions but nothing with concrete answers for the questions I had. I figured he would never answer my questions, hes only ever spoken real words to me once so I never really bothered asking. While I was reading these books he'd look at me from across the library hair in his eye, a peculiar look to his face. He looked puzzled trying to figure out what I was trying to achieve, maybe he wanted to give me the answers? Maybe something was holding him back? I spent many months after school reading and re-reading books by different authors, until a particular book behind all the others covered in globs of dust and dirt caught my attention, the author had an interesting name.

Lilith Assyrian Eve

The book wasn't like any other book in the library the cover was handmade black leather with no letters on the front  and had torn,aged and yellowing pages, its contents were the name written in cursive on the first page, bolded, italicized and underlined.I assumed a womans handwriting and name.  The following were hand written accounts like a diary, but with no dates, times or anything to organize it with. The first page read as follows.

Luci was telling me all about his work today, his work is rather tiresome leaving him stressed and with a lack of energy, hes watched so many people die in so many ways how can he not be tired?I asked him if his friend would ever approve of us, and he told me no. Not surprising considering a Reaper and a Human aren't even allowed to talk to one another on earth nor otherwise . I am scared he'll be taken away or worse.

I immediately shut the book in aw at what I just read another reaper and another human speaking? Unheard of! I noticed the book didn't have a security barcode on it and shoved it into my bag the entry's words rolling around my head over and over. If anything has the answers to my questions this will.

                                                              *Dravens POV*

 I watched her grab at every book she could get her hands on. She probably had a ton of questions tumbling around in her head along the lines of "Why did he tell me his name?" "why does he stick so close to me when I'm so young?" Sadly i can't outright answer those questions for her, it was only natural to want to go and read up on it at a library, I could understand her frustration. I luckily learned all about humans from experience and training back at Heavens Base but for the humans they only get one shot, one reaper to think about if they even do at all. I knew what most of those books entailed, stories of human and their reaper experiences, human rules for what to do and not to do with a reaper, etc, etc. I admired her determination, she spent months reading up on all she could about my kind and how we worked and what we looked like, until she came across one particular book. It was a journal of sorts, leather bound and looked like it was aged even passed my years, amazed it wasnt falling apart at the seams. The moment she opened it to the second page her eyes light up with excitement, it was like she hit the jackpot and I knew she found what she was looking for.

She quickly stuffed the book into her book bag and stole it from the library, didn't know Rainn had a stealing habit I was in shock. I followed her outside and watched her hop onto her bike and skid out of the library parking lot. Little did she notice a car rushing out into the street hitting her. luckily by some miracle the car managed to slowdown barely hitting the bike, Rainn was fine unconscious , a few scratches and bruises but the bike was totally smashed and unusable. I immediately got close to her, making sure not to touch her. I knew she was fine and still breathing but I worried for her anyway, she got into this mess looking for information on me no doubt Lyra wanted to put a stop to it, it was my fault I was getting her into more trouble. I decided from that moment on I'd only get closer to her when she was unconscious / asleep that way she wouldn't be in danger.

When she came too she was on a gurney  surrounded by paramedics , I was leaned against the ambulance staring at her making sure she got the proper care she deserved. one leg propped up on the ambulance my arms crossed she looked at me with a big ass smile on her face. I smiled back at her, even in the worse situations when I feel like they are my fault, she made me feel a little better.

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