Highway too Hell

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                                                                       *Dravens POV*

My body fizzled in and out of being. I felt light-headed and heavy like I was going to pass out but depending on if the rumors were true, I knew that wasn't an option. Quickly I lurched around taking in every sight I could see. I was on a long road, with a large sign. It was made of lava rocks, red in color with black bold letters "Highway to Hell" written on it. If I had to guess I'd say I was outside of the town of hell, by the entrance. I looked around some more but nothing but the road and the sand ground was to see, well that and geysers of pure fire and lava but I wasn't getting too close to those...the road looked like it stretched for miles... Well I have no where else to go. I started heading down the road into town when the distant sound of a car came from the direction I was heading.

A very fast, old style car.

I squinted to get a better view, It was a Jet Black Chevy Corvette,  C1 model from 1962. Damn whoever they were, they had style. I tried to get a good look of the people driving the car. A man in his late 20s, early 30s was behind the wheel , black hair a little bluer than mine with parted bangs one half going into his eye on his right side. He was in a red and black suit , with a red tie and a long fur and leather jacket. A crown ontop of his head... at quick speeds the car stopped right beside me. 

I further inspected his passenger seat mate, although I couldn't discern what gender they were from one quick glance, skinny but curvy like a lady but flat and chiseled like a man. Long flowy almost bleach blonde hair tied up into a ponytail, was wearing an off pink cropped tank top and jean short shorts, they were sucking on a sucker along with a queen like crown atop their head with the ponytail going through it.

"Hey!" A familiar girls voice, one of a brunette, annoying former companion of mine rang from the backseat, she stood up and looked at me through her glasses with big sparkly eyes. She had a tiara on top of her ponytail. "Hop in, were going to save your girlfriend!"

I looked at her puzzled, "Lyra who are these people and why should I trust you, you've been trying to kill her?"

She jumps out of the car pushing me from my back in when I winced away from her, I didnt know if I could trust her.  "Listen I'll explain on the way back to the house, but this is Lilith" she points to the unidentified being in the passenger seat... "and thats Lucifier.Also, I'm on your side now." she points to the kingly man.

Great,I started my day getting locked up, betrayed by my friend and now I'm on a joyride on the highway to hell with the king and queen of said hell and my (former?) enemy...Perfect.

 I knew I didn't really have a choice in the matter, what was I going to do waste away in this lava desert?  so I jumped into the backseat next to her against my better judgement and we speed off in the direction they came from.

She explained everything to me, some of which I already understood. Lilith and Lucifier being husbands, them being the same ones from the books and Journal Rainn was keeping track of, how God played apart in it and how Peters real name was Adam. At the moment I was struck with the thought of how Rainn would be losing her shit if she was with me meeting the author of the journal in person. I explained to her what our old boss had said to me about Rainns future ...

Then I became concerned, if she is the only one who knows anything about what happened he definitely was going to kill her. He lied to me... I flushed paler than I normally am, almost translucent. This was all my fault she only knew about any of this because she wanted to learn more about me.

Lyra noticed, " Draven, we have a plan," she motioned to the rest of the people in the car "but its really, really dangerous...and your girlfriend might never get the opprotunity to live her human life ever again, you might become the only reaper in existence... if shes alright with this, are you?"

I thought it over, Yes we would never live as human beings again, we would never get the white picket fence with the children we wanted or the comic book creator job...but if it means shes away from those abusive parents of hers, if it means that not another soul has to deal with being a reaper again, if it means people can live how they want, I'm willing to sacrifice all my lifetimes for it.

After all, I just wanted her to be safe and this is the only way.

                                                      *Lyras POV*

Adam told me specifically how to explain why I was there and what was going on, I was a bit nervous when I popped out the other side of decent on a highway. I guess the old song wasn't too off. I walked for miles until I came to a small housing development, about four houses each side of a road and at the end of the road was the biggest. It was castle like stone but a house all the same as the others other than its bigger size. I had a hunch that was the place. A corvette sat outside in the driveway, huh the king and queen must have some style.

I rang the doorbell which was menacing enough, but what answered was even more menacing looking. A very tall man, buff with a red and black suit and red tie. A crown only a king could wear upon his head. I bowed in amazement, he was super attractive, he was basically what Draven would look like in 15ish years. " your majesty, my name is Lyra I was sent by Adam," as quickly as I began I was cut off.

"You are not welcome here..." A scythe like Dravens quickly was gripped in his hands.

"He explained to me what happened." I raised my arms up "but I come with no ill will for you, my friend Draven is in danger, I'm afraid history will repeat itself..."

He lowered his weapon and called for Lilith, his husband. He looked me up and down checked me for weapons,etc. "Its ok Luci shes clean, plus she seems..." He motioned to my bandaged hand "wounded" He brought me in but Lucifer seemed to doubt.

Lilith sat me down looked over my bandaged and burned hand, "Adam is really sorry for the damaged he caused, this was not what he intended. " Lilith was more understanding.

"I figured as much, Luci still holds a grudge" he whispered "Hes a little jealous."

I quickly explained to them all that has happened up until now, Including the plan me and Adam had came up with... Lilith immediately volunteered their help.

Lucifier who was distant at first started to understand more as Lilith made him come out of his shell. "Alright fine, I'm not doing it for you or for Adam..." He grabs Lilith by the side of his waist kissing him. "I'm doing this so nobody has to go through this bullshit ever again...plus revenge could be a bonus right Babe?"

Lilith was super ecstatic, they should be, they've been waiting for this opportunity for decades. "Lets go pay a visit to our old friends Luci!"

"Uh guys," I perked up " We gotta wait till Dravens shows up first and explain everything to him, remember?"

Lilith looked dissapointed for a moment "Oh right..." he paced back and forth a few times "come on Lyra right? you can help me with your cute ponytail, and you can help me pick out some clothes Ive been dying for a girl to appear in hell, men just have no fashion sense." He glares at Lucifer and sticks out his tongue and he rolls his eyes .

i can already tell I'm going to get along with Lilith quite nicely.

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