*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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“open up!” Donghyuck says, holding a spoon filled with strawberry ice cream on it. He puts it in front of Mark’s lips, happily accepting the spoon as he eats it while giggling. 

Donghyuck does the same, getting ice cream from the small tub and putting it inside his mouth. They both shared one spoon, and they didn’t mind at all. I mean, it’s not like it’s disgusting anymore they’ve done this like millions of times when growing up with each other. 

“The view is so pretty!” Donghyuck squeals, he then opens the window and sticks out his upper body, “I love Malibu!!” he shouts, making Mark laugh hysterically while driving. 

“come back here, you don’t want to die yet right?” Mark said, pulling Donghyuck by the back of his jacket.

Donghyuck giggles and closes the window, “I mean seriously it looks really cool!!” his eyes sparkle in happiness, “where are we going again?” he asks, tilting his head. 

“we’re going to a beach,” Mark simply says, smiling. 

“oh~” Donghyuck sings, he nods then looks out of the window. 

Going to the beach at sunset is a dream come true to him, especially when he is with Mark. 

Soon, Mark stopped in front of the glittering sea, parking his car on the sand. Donghyuck was the first one to step out of the car and take off his shoes. He runs to the waters and dips his feet, giggling because of how cold the water was. 

Mark comes later and holds Donghyuck’s hand, “it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asks, staring at the mango colored sun setting down. 

Donghyuck wraps his arms around Mark’s necks and smiles softly, “it is...very” he takes off his jacket and hands it to  Mark, earning a confused look from the older, “let’s trade jackets” 

Mark giggles at how Donghyuck looked like saying it, he is such a baby. He also took off his jacket and gave it to Donghyuck, putting on the younger’s jacket on his but was struggling because of how small it is. 

Donghyuck laughed at the sight and Mark did too, “it’s too small for you” Donghyuck said, pointing to him. The tanned male wore Mark’s jacket and it felt like heaven for him, it was big and cozy. 

“You look cute,” Mark said, “you look cute wearing my jacket,” he added and fixed Donghyuck’s collar. 

Donghyuck smiles then hugs Mark by the chest. 

Mark smiles back and slowly snakes his arms around the younger’s waist, “am I doing it right?” he asks, chuckling, unsure if this move was comfortable or not. 

Donghyuck nods and laughs, “you are doing just fine right now” he answers then buries his head on Mark’s chest, inhaling his watermelon cologne. 

Mark rests his chin on Donghyuck’s head and rubs the younger’s back in circles, “this moment right now...it’s so...it’s very memorable” 

“it is” Donghyuck mutters, he couldn’t say it properly because he was busy with his lips attached on Mark’s chest. He closes his eyes and lets out a big sigh. 

 “thank you” Mark started. 


“Thank you for this” he said, “if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know these types of things, I would have never known how to love properly” he explained. 

Donghyuck pulls out and looks at Mark, he notices that the older’s hair was messed up because of the wind, he brushes it gently and styles it, “well...you are very welcome” he smiles and squishes Mark’s cheeks as he returns to snuggle Mark. 

Donghyuck loves this so much and he hopes Mark loves it too, them being alone without anyone trying to disturb or flirt with them. It is a peaceful moment for them both, and it’s even better because while they hug each other the sun decides to slow down as if it wants them both to cherish this moment slowly. 

but not for long. 

“Do you think she’ll like it?” 

Now it’s as if Donghyuck controlled the sun, it went down a little faster. He lets go of the hug and shows a disappointed face but then he changes it into a forced smile, he has nothing to do but just nod, “yup, she will” he said, looking elsewhere, “...i’m...gonna go inside the car now”  he added and held the ends of the jacket while walking back to the car. 

He was stopped when Mark grabbed his wrists and asked, “why?”

Donghyuck looks at the salmon skies and then back to Mark, “it’s...getting cold” he simply answered and let go. 

He shouldn’t be liking his best friend. 

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