*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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*knock knock*

"Donghyuck dear" Mark's mom smiled, spreading her arms wide.

"Good afternoon ms. lee" Donghyuck answered. Yes, 'Ms.' Mark's mom is a widow after his dad died in a car crash after a fight with mom because he was caught cheating.

"Mark is upstairs...I guess they're waiting for you" hearing that made Donghyuck frown a bit but then he just went back to smiling, hiding his sadness from the lady.

Donghyuck nodded and closed the front door, already heading upstairs to Mark's bedroom.

Walking to the end of the hallway, Donghyuck could hear laughing and singing from the other side of the door. He went close to it and leaned his ear, having a better sound of Mark and his girlfriend.

Scoffing, he stepped back a bit and fixed his jacket. They're watching Glee and the girl is confidently singing Defying Gravity with Mark dueting with her.

'just like us' Donghyuck thought.

Opening the door, he came to a stop when he heard the girl speak.

"You know, you're the best" she started, "I don't know why but all of these things we're doing are just so fun, you are my ideal boyfriend you know?" She said and giggled.

"oh yeah?" Mark answered.

"Yup, I told you to my friends and I even shared how unique you are"

'Pfft, if you only know,' Donghyuck thought and closed the door again.

He has nothing to do with them right now, he has nothing to do with them at all, might as well not third wheel them. If they want their own time together he can just fuck off and not give a single damn, he was invited by Mark because he said he wants him there but from the looks of it...I think he doesn't need him at all anymore.

"Leaving so soon?" Mark's mom asked, pouting and with a chicken casserole on her hands.

"I'm sorry Ms. Lee...it's an emergency" Donghyuck lied, waving his phone in front of the woman.

"You know," Mark's mom placed the food down on a table, "He really loves you...He's very happy that you stay with him every day" her smile was so lovely that made Donghyuck feel comfort.

'I love him too' Donghyuck thought.

That I love you wasn't meant to be in a best friend way anymore but...it was meant as 'I love you so much that I want you to marry me and be mine forever' but no, what was he thinking? He's just a best friend.

"I know" Donghyuck simply answered, he placed his hoodie on and his hands under his hoodie pockets, "Goodbye ms. Lee" was all he said and left.

"Goodbye Donghyuck...I hope you find yours"

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