*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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Hanging out in a cafe with cappuccino mugs set on their table, Johnny and Donghyuck endlessly talked to each other about stuff. Mostly about their childhood and their likings.

Johnny found Donghyuck interesting to talk to, he was playful with his words and he'd laugh at every other stories or joke the younger one tells.

Although he was expecting that this was like a date or some sort but...


You see, he likes Donghyuck and that's true but he LIKES him as a friend/brother.

He's into him but he would rather prefer Donghyuck to be his younger brother.

He hopes that Donghyuck will get the context soon.

"So anyways, how long have you been in the states?" Donghyuck asked, sipping on his drink.

"Oh I live here" Johnny answered.

Donghyuck nodded confusingly, "Man, I thought you lived in korea then transferred here"

"Nope, I'm raised here specifically in chicago"

Stirring his drink, "well, I transferred here with my mom and Mark" it is as if he stopped what he was doing when he said Mark's name, he remembered that he told the older that he'll come back early.

"Mark?" Johnny raised a brow, "boyfriend?" he asked, curious.

Snapping back from his thoughts, "What? No uhm he's...he's my best friend" The younger said, slowly.

Nodding, Johnny pulled out his phone and texted one of his mates, giggling loudly, enough for Donghyuck to hear it.

"Who are you chatting?" Donghyuck asked, trying to look at Johnny's phone by stretching his neck.

"Oh just my classmate, his name is Ten" Johnny's cheeks showed a hint of red allowing Donghyuck to understand what the older is feeling.

'oh...uhm...I didn't know he was taken?' Donghyuck thought, frowning.

"Anything wrong?" Johnny looked back at Donghyuck who had a gloomy face on.

"Oh it's nothing, I just had a thought a while ago" he lied.

"Well...I think I have to go, Mark is probably waiting for me at our house" Donghyuck shrugged, playfully rolling his eyes, pretending that he and Mark are on good terms.

"Wait" Johnny stopped him, "before you go I just wanna say, it's fun meeting you...maybe we should talk more often, you know just like...a bro to bro chat" he added, nervously chuckling.

Donghyuck nodded slowly and then waved goodbye, "sure why not, welp...nice meeting you Johnny hyung!" he said and left the cafe.

Coming back to his house, Ms. Lee was still there, chatting with Donghyuck's mom.

He was told that Mark left without saying anything and also did even wave them goodbye.

Donghyuck was surprised but not that much though because from the looks of what happened a while ago, he knew Mark was pissed.

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