*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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Standing by his locker, Donghyuck's head hung low as he looked down on his books and stationery.

"Hey..." a deep but soft voice spoke beside him, he looked up to Mark leaning on a locker with his books hugged on his chest.

Donghyuck forced a smile then turned his gaze on his books, hearing Mark scoff.

"What's up with you? I went back to P.E class but you weren't there anymore, Jaemin was looking for you too but you're not anywhere inside the school" he said, his voice was gentle and it sounded like he was worried.

"I wasn't feeling good..." Donghyuck lied, he didn't mention to Mark how he saw him singing Uptown girl to his girlfriend, it still made him mad that he doesn't actually remember his promise about that song.

He doesn't want to remind him either, it's for him to figure out by himself.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your eyes look tired and you look so gloomy?" Mark placed his finger on Donghyuck's chin and examined him.

Hugging his books, he turned himself to Mark now and sighed.

"I think you should focus on your girlfriend now, we can't go back to how we used to be before because you have her. And I also think that this is something we both want..."


Donghyuck walked away, his head hanging low as he continued to walk down the hall filled with loud students, bumping on every one of them.

Before he could get any farther, Mark gripped on his wrist, pulling him back.

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean I should focus on my girlfriend??" Mark asked, he was not having it. He didn't like what he heard from Donghyuck.

He loves Donghyuck, he can't just leave him just like that.

"It means that whatever we do before can't be something we can do now that your girlfriend is always beside you, we can't hang out often anymore and we can't have fun with no one bothering us, think of it as an advantage, you get to spend time with her because I'm giving you space and because no one is distracting you anymore"

"Donghyuck no! I can't do that, you're my best friend and a best friend always stays with each other"

The work best friend felt like a stab to the heart for Donghyuck but he knows how to ease the pain, Mark is right anyways, he is just a best friend.

"And a best friend should know their limits" Donghyuck simply said.

"I can't always be there for you because I don't want to be a third wheel anymore, I don't want to ruin your lovely moments," he added.

Donghyuck is right, he shouldn't be there whenever Mark and his girlfriend are together. He cannot be watching them 24/7 or like babysitting them if that's how Donghyuck sees it.

"Maybe we can still hang out if you have time, maybe hang out when your mom visits my mom for a tea, right?" Donghyuck forced out a smile and nodded.

"Donghyuck I-"

"I have to get to class now" he yanked his hand away, walking down the hall as he felt hot tears stinging behind his eyes, trying to fight back.

Leaving Mark there dumbfounded and his heart slightly breaking.

'I'm doing this because I wanna move on Mark, I need space.'

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