*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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And it did happen.

Mark and Donghyuck never spent the whole week getting close to each other as usual, they don't hang out too often, go to arcades, have sleepovers, nothing. It's just Mark with his girlfriend doing what a couple would do. Yes, Mark is happy and all because he feels the joy every time he laughs at certain moments during their dates and night strolls but it didn't really match how he is with Donghyuck. When he would go to an arcade with Donghyuck, the younger would boast around or even act all touchy to him, like he is his boyfriend or something. But with his girlfriend, it's not really on that level. She asks Mark how to play it, acting all shy and scared because she can't shoot. It was cute for Mark but not too much.

The whole week, Mark would try to find ways on talking to Donghyuck, he'd still go and meet him by his locker, try to hold some conversations but Donghyuck doesn't really speak that much, he was dry whenever a word comes out of his mouth. Whenever there are classes and the teachers are assigning homeworks that is partnered work, he would take this opportunity and be partners with the tanned male.

While they do homeworks, Mark would ask how his days and nights were and would also ask things like did he eat already? Did you do the rest of your homeworks? Or even did you review for an upcoming test?

At lunch breaks he would sit with Donghyuck who is now with his other friends, specifically Renjun, Chenle, Jaemin and Shotaro.

He would try following Donghyuck's steps exactly the way Donghyuck did when the younger was so close to him.

The girlfriend on the other hand still has Mark of course but it was soon getting loose when she's figuring something different around his boyfriend. He's not the joyful type of person anymore, he does not laugh hysterically whenever something funny happens... before he would...and that was when Donghyuck is always around.

She'd spot Mark looking at Donghyuck every class and lunch breaks, admiring the younger's honey glowing skin while the sun reflected on it; she'd find him smiling every time he saw Donghyuck happy.

A part of her thought that Mark likes him, I mean she's not angry or anything because before she and him got together she'd actually ship them both for being the most lovely couple in the school.

Markhyuck is something she adores.

Let's talk about Donghyuck...

When he said he was going to move on, he actually did it.

Well not really though but he is trying...

Every night before going to bed, he'd stalk guys from other schools through social media, mostly the university right near theirs because that's where almost all of Moonflower University girls or boys get their partners.

He found almost all of them not good looking at all.

Some were okay...

But some...

They just look like literal assholes/fuckboys.

But he did find one guy and surprisingly this one added him first and was the first one to make a move.

The guy's name is Johnny Suh, a Chicago boy, eats a whole pizza by himself, a joker and also...a daddy (?)

Yeah, he's not sure what he meant by the last but sure I guess?

For the whole week, Donghyuck and him have been talking day and night, sharing a lot of things and getting to know each other. Donghyuck is going to admit it, this dude is funny and also caring.

Maybe he likes him...just maybe.

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