*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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Next week came, and everyone was back to school.

Mark and Donghyuck are still the same but now... Mark has been a little distant to Donghyuck, he doesn't go to his locker anymore, annoy him during classes or ask about his days but...he does still sit with him during lunch breaks with Donghyuck's other friends.

But it hurt him hearing all of the conversations Donghyuck's friends were sharing, it was mostly about that Johnny guy he doesn't know and how they would ship him with the tanned male.

Before it wasn't like this, he would always be the one getting shipped with Donghyuck and they would tease them about how clingy and touchy Donghyuck was to him.

He doesn't want to lie but he misses those but it's wrong, he has a girlfriend.

Right now, he is currently with his girlfriend in the cafeteria. She's peacefully eating her snack while Mark stares at her, smiling.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you" the girl swallowed her sandwich, "have you heard of the Johnny guy that Donghyuck's been texting?" she asked.

She's actually trying to find a hint of jealousy from Mark Lee and from the looks of it, it is showing...just a little.

Mark raised a brow and the plastic wrapper he was holding on his right hand tightened, "yeah, what about it?"

"Nothing, I hope him and Donghyuck gets toge-"

"I'm throwing your trash" Mark interrupted, getting his girlfriend's tray with trash on it, dumping it inside the trash can.

The girl watched Mark's every move and giggled to herself, "this guy" she mumbled, while wiping her lips.
She knows Mark likes Donghyuck but he doesn't know yet and he needs to figure it out.

She also knows that they're not meant to be due to Mark's actions, the older can't move on from Donghyuck and she has no problem with that...she can help both of them be together at some point.

Receiving a call from someone, Donghyuck checked the caller's ID and instantly smiled, he pressed the accept button and said hello.

"Hey, I was wondering if you might wanna hang out today" Johnny said.

"Us only?" Donghyuck wanted to clarify.

"Yup, and it's because I want someone to talk to right now"

Donghyuck then thought of a place on where to hangout, his brain then gave him an idea where as he shouts out an "Aha!"

"I know where we can hangout," Donghyuck said.


"My treehouse"

"Where do you want to go?" Mark asked, he didn't hear his girlfriend's word clearly because he had his airpods on, blasting on some music.

"I wanna go somewhere but like...I don't know where" she said again, pouting.

Mark smiled at how cute she looked, he then thought of a place where they could go and then he remembered that there is one more place he hasn't taken his girlfriend to.

The treehouse.

"We can go to my treehouse" Mark offered, standing up to get a pair of sweatpants and his blue hoodie.

His girlfriend nodded, "sounds great"

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