*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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'Hello this is Lee Donghyuck or Haechan and you have reached my voice message! Drop a message and i'll get back to you when i'm uh..done...yeah, goodbye...ᴴᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉⁿᵈ ⁱᵗ?'

"Hey Donghyuck, it's Mark...listen, whatever I said a while ago, I'm sorry, I really am...is it okay if we talk? Just send me something when you get this message" Mark said, pressing the send button afterwards.

"Mark..." y/n spoke, sitting on the end of Mark's bed, "I have to ask you something"

"What is it?" Mark asked, getting a piece of pepero stick from his bowl.

"What was the reason why you decided to go furious when Donghyuck brought Johnny to the treehouse?" Y/n lifts one brow.

Mark gulped, he didn't know what to answer and most importantly...he didn't also know why he was raging a while ago.

It's not like he controls Donghyuck's life and stuff, he's allowed to date and shit but seeing his best friend hang out or get touchy with another guy makes him angry. He just wants to separate them and hug or kiss Donghyuck, to prove that he belongs to Mark.

He's truly messed up but he can't help but to get jealous.

"I uhm, I don't know" was all Mark said.

"Tell me what you feel" Y/n started, "how does it feel when you spend time with Donghyuck?" Was her first question.

"He's really fun to hang out with, I love the way he cuddles with me 24/7 and I always love how he is confident to kiss me on the cheek or neck when he has the chance, heck he even allows me to attack him in kisses when I want to" Mark smiled, remembering some moments with Donghyuck.

"Okay then" y/n nodded, "what would you feel if Donghyuck makes out with another guy...just imagine Donghyuck having a boyfriend and they randomly start making out on the couch-"

"Please stop" Mark interrupted, balling his fists out.

He was screaming internally just imagining that, it is so disgusting to see a guy sticking his tongue down Donghyuck's throat.

He might as well be confident to admit that he'll do Donghyuck better than his future boyfriend.

"Mark I don't know how to say this to you but..." Y/n heaved a sigh, locking her eyes to Mark while giving a small smile.

"Let's break up"

Mark's eyes widened hearing that, he stood up and said, "wha- why would you want to break up all of a sudden?"

"I feel like we're not meant to be together..." y/n simply said.

"Why?! Y/n I love you-"

"No, you love Donghyuck" y/n smiled, "stop hiding those feelings, untap all of those locks inside your feelings chamber and free your feelings for Donghyuck...he likes you Minhyung, so much, even I found it very obvious when we weren't even dating yet."

She stood up from the bed and hugged Mark on the chest, "you'll do good with him more than me" she said.

Mark didn't know what to say or anything but all he can think about is that his best friend, THE lee Donghyuck, his sunshine...likes him.

Maybe he does like Donghyuck as well, scratch that. He loves him too.

All those jealousy and sadness he feels when he is not with Donghyuck is a sign that he likes him.

No wait, he loves him.

And right now, what y/n said about Donghyuck...it's time to get him back.

Mark embraced y/n for the last time, hugging her very tight and muttering a thank you.

"Promise me one thing for Donghyuck's sake" y/n started, "don't hurt him okay? Don't break his heart...be a responsible boyfriend" y/n brushed Mark's hair to the side and let go of the hug.

She adjusted her beige coat and shoulder bag and cleared her throat, "well I guess this is it" y/n smiled and waved goodbye, "go get your sunshine"

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