*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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It was a Saturday and Mark couldn't wait to meet someone today.

And that someone is Donghyuck.

He misses him so much already and can't wait to just have him all in his arms and hug him tight and shower him with kisses on his head.

He and his mom are going to Donghyuck's house because his mom is having a tea session with Mrs. Lee. He wants to go with her because of Donghyuck, only because of him.

Knocking on the door, Ms. Lee was greeted by another woman who was smiling back at her, they both hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. Donghyuck's mom then went to Mark and playfully grabbed him by the collar, scrunching her nose.

"He's upstairs" she whispered, knowing this boy only came here for her son.

Mark hid his flushed cheeks and nodded shyly, he then went past the elderlys and ran upstairs, already too excited to hug his Donghyuck.

Opening the door, "Donghyuck~!!" Mark said and found Donghyuck on the bed with his hands in his phone, talking to someone.

He tackled the younger which made him giggle. Mark rested his chin on Donghyuck's crook and attacked his forehead with kisses, something that he always does to him.

"Get off me~" Donghyuck whined because of Mark's weight.

Mark didn't follow what he said and just kept on hugging him, "I missed you" he said.

"Mark please" Donghyuck sternly replied, Mark was surprised with the sudden action and he did what the younger told him to do.

Donghyuck then came back to chatting Johnny on the phone, he was back to laughing at his texts which made Mark wonder who he was talking to.

"Who are you chatting with?"

Donghyuck looked from his phone to Mark then smiled, "Oh uhm, his name is Johnny the guy from the university right near us" he said and continued typing.

Mark's smile disappeared and a frown took over, he felt this sting inside his heart that he was chatting with someone else but not him. He's not supposed to act like this but it's just so new for Donghyuck to not be all energetic to him anymore.

Is he replaceable?

Is he boring for Donghyuck now?

If he is, then he won't allow that. He'll still want Donghyuck.

Donghyuck stood up from his bed leaving Mark lying down while watching his every move. He pulled a white long sleeve shirt, some skinny pants and knitted sweaters from his closet and was about to head to his bathroom to change but was stopped.

"Where are you going?" Mark asked, his brows furrowed.

Donghyuck blankly stared at him, saying, "Oh i'm meeting up with Johnny hyung today"

What? So what about their time? Donghyuck would stay with him every time he comes over, he'd give him cuddles when they're on the bed, they'd watch some movies or tv shows, maybe even play games but...what's with the sudden change?


"But what?" Donghyuck beat him to it, raising one brow.

"What about me? What about our time?" Mark frowned, fiddling with his fingers, "I came here because I wanted to spend time with you" he mumbled.

Donghyuck pitied him, Mark did come here for him and he was expecting some cuddles but...he can't stay with him, not when he is still trying to move on.

"Listen Mark," Donghyuck sighed, "I'll come back as soon as possible, I just need to meet Johnny Hyu-"

"Are you guys going on a date?" Mark asked, he felt his blood boil for a bit imagining Donghyuck with another guy that's not him, he has no right to be jealous because he does not own him but he can't help it.

"What...no" Donghyuck answered, slowly, and slowly he felt his cheeks tingling.

"I'll come back don't-"

"Forget it" Mark interrupted, standing up, opening the door to leave and slamming it shut after.

'I'm not jealous, i'm just disappointed'

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