*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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"Well, do you like him?" Donghyuck asked, lying his head down on Johnny's lap while he played with his fingers.

"Uh...yeah, but I don't know how to tell or express it to him," Johnny answered, brushing Donghyuck's brown locks.

"How is he like?"

"For starters, he is a real charmer and those feminine features of his is to die for...something about him makes me wanna go crazy, he's such a gem" Johnny explained.

Sitting up, Donghyuck placed his left leg on the side of Johnny, now sitting between the older's legs and on his lap, "well I guess you should tell him when the right time comes" he simply said and poked Johnny's cheeks.

Giggling, Johnny mouthed a thank you and hugged the tanned male, "this place is very cozy, you said you built this right?"

Donghyuck nodded, "I built this with my best friend"

"His name is Mark right? The one you like?"

Donghyuck hid his flushed cheeks but he had a frown on his face, "yes but I can't have him"

"Why not?"

"Because he's already taken"

Patting the younger's back, Johnny rubbed his back in circles, "it's alright, you can find someone better than-"

Silence filled the treehouse when Johnny stopped talking.

Donghyuck, who is still hugging Johnny, furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why the older stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" He mumbled.

"Get over here" Mark pulled Donghyuck by the collar and then got his wrist and dragged him down outside the treehouse. Leaving Johnny who was still shocked to see Mark just standing on the entrance a while ago.

Going down the stairs, Mark's grip was tight enough for Donghyuck to wince.

"Let me go! Mark!" He kept saying.

Donghyuck tried to pull out his arm but Mark was stronger than him, he kept hitting Mark's hand but it was no use.

Reaching the back of the tree, where an open field can be seen, Mark let go of Donghyuck, his face showed anger and jealousy, he balled his hand into a fist, trying not to show himself getting furious of what he saw.

Donghyuck sitting on that Johnny guy's lap, and then hugging was not nice at all.

They can only do that, they don't even know each other very much and they have the balls to hug like they are a couple? No, not happening.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Mark asked, his voice sounded with betrayal.

"What do you-"

"Bringing some random guy to OUR treehouse?? Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Mark said outloud, causing Donghyuck to step back a bit.

"And what's wrong with bringing Johnny in our treehouse, huh?! I can bring whoever I want to bring!"

"Fuck no! That place is ours! And it will remain like that forever!"

"Oh yeah? It will remain like that forever? Fine then, don't fucking bring y/n with you in our place too! Fuck you Mark!" Donghyuck shouted, showing a middle to Mark.

"No fuck you! If you only-"

"Mark..." y/n went to them, her hands clutching on her shoulder bag, "what's going on here?" She asked, obviously heard all the shouting from infront of the house.

Donghyuck tilted his head with his brows furrowed, "what is she doing here?" He pointed to y/n.

Mark looked down, speechless.

He brough her here to do the same thing like what Donghyuck and Johnny were doing a while ago.

"Mark?" Donghyuck waited, his voice was cracking as he felt his tears burn.

And then it clicked inside, Donghyuck knew why she was with Mark. Of course, he is going to show y/n the treehouse they built and they will hang out there and foeget that Donghyuck and him actually owned this place.

Kneeling down on the grass, Donghyuck broke down in tears, he whimpers as his heart aches. This was all too much now. His feelings were hurt by what Mark is doing.

His showing everything to his girlfriend.

Everything that they have and everything that they did together.

It looks like Mark is replacing him with y/n.

But of course, Donghyuck is not letting these moments go no more, he is tired of keeping all these questions to himself, he is tired of burying these questions like gravestones without any informations.

Standing up, he wiped his tears and saw Mark looking down with hands on the hems of his dark blue hoodie, "so did you tell her yet?" He asked.

"Tell her what?" Mark asked, confused.

"Tell me what Mark?" Y/n stepped closer.

"So when the hell are you going to tell her how much of a dick you are, when are you going to tell her that we did all of those too!?" Donghyuck said with his whole chest.

"Y/n" Donghyuck called, "you think all of those times you spent with him in Malibu, watching reruns of glee and that fucking stupid song he played for you on the piano was special?!" Donghyuck asked, his words were getting louder and louder.

"No y/n! Those were all reused! I'm sorry y/n but whatever he does to you, he did that to me first...those moments were ours but he decided to give it you" He shot his eyes to y/n who was looking on the grass, obviously hurt and surprised by all of those.

"And you" Donghyuck pushed Mark on the chest using his finger, "that treehouse is ours, bringing your girlfriend to the treehouse, are you out of your fucking mind?" He repeated the same thing what Mark said to him.

Brushing his hair back, he sighed one last time while he lifts his hands up in the air, "you know what i'm done" he says before leaving but Mark grabs his wrist only to get yanked out.

"Don't fucking touch me"

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