*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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"open up!" she says, holding the spoon filled with strawberry ice cream on it.

Mark looks at her with a smile and opens his mouth, receiving the sweet fruity ice cream into his mouth. She does the same and giggles at how yummy the ice cream tasted, she then looks at the back and scoops a portion, handing it to the boy who was busy typing on his phone, more like wanting to zone out from what the hell is happening right now.

"Donghyuck, here~!" she says, smiling widely but only receives a no thanks from Donghyuck whose eyes are glued on his phone. She pouts and eats it instead.

She looks outside the window and screams, "I love Malibu~!!" causing Mark to laugh but scoff disgustingly for Donghyuck.

She's such a replica of him.

"Come back here, you don't want to die yet, right?" Mark pulls her by the ends of her dress.

The same shit he said to Donghyuck, that was so reused.

Bet that she'll also say-

"Where are we going again?"

'to the beach' Donghyuck thought, internally rolling his eyes.

"To the beach" Mark said, smiling while looking at the girl then back to the road.

Arriving at the beach, Mark parked it to where he parked it before, the time when him and Donghyuck visited this place. The girl came out of the car first and then Mark but when the older was about to lock the car he realized that Donghyuck wasn't coming out yet.

Knocking on the tanned male's window, "You coming?" Mark asked, brushing his hair.

Donghyuck shook his head and forced a smile, "no I'm fine, i'm kind of tired" he lied.

He's not even tired, he just wants to stay inside because he'll feel more misplaced in their scenery. 'Their' meaning Mark and his girlfriends lovey dovey time. If you're why Donghyuck is with them this whole time, it is because Mark invited him too.

no, he didn't invite him to this place to third-wheel.

He invited Donghyuck so that he could remind him what they did before, what they did on their 'date'.

Of course being the stupid best friend Mark will only have, he agreed.

And now look at him, suffering because he thought that the best friend he thought will be his boyfriend is with someone else.... doing the things they did before.

Looking at the front window, Donghyuck tilted his head seeing Mark and her exchanging jackets. He couldn't help but to still scoff at Mark not being able to fit the women's jacket on his built body.

The next part made Donghyuck come back to frowning, the girl snuggled into his chest and Mark also hugged him. He felt his heart aching and he could feel the hot tears burning behind his eyes. Mark rested his chin on the girls head and swayed their bodies slowly.

The girl locked into Mark's eyes, Donghyuck could tell by their mouths that they exchanged I love you's to each other. He quickly looked away when they both connected their lips and savored the moment of the sun quickly coming down and the salmon skies embracing its darkness.

He wiped his tears and focused on his phone when he felt the car doors opening, he typed furiously on his notepad, pretending he was chatting with somebody.

Mark looked at the busy boy at the back and wanted to ask who he was chatting with but when he saw his face all red and a bit angry, he didn't want to interfere.

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