*•.¸♡ Deja Vu ♡¸.•*

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"Hey...Johnny" Donghyuck scratched the top of his head, "uhm, I was wondering if you could uhm come over at my house and talk about a while ago? Look i'm very sorry about what happened back in the treehouse it's just-" he sighed "Mark got a little aggressive but I took care of it, hit me up when you see this message"

Donghyuck pressed the send button and threw his phone across the room, hitting the pastel pink fur carpet. He lay down on his bed and covered his eyes in frustration.

He started crying then, he didn't know why he was crying.

Yes he did say everything he wanted to say to Mark and his girl but it didn't feel right. Isn't he supposed to feel good that he finally poured out his words? Ain't he supposed to feel happy about it? Why is he crying?

This situation he is in right now doesn't have any solution.

Donghyuck sat up and sniffed, he swiped his hoodie sleeve on his eyes to wipe his tears away, he then received a knock on the door.

Wiping his tears fast and inhaling deeply, he shouted, "come in!"

His mom then opened the door and found his son sitting on the bed with his eyes all red and puffy. "Hey, something wrong?" She asked, worried.

"What- no" Donghyuck lied, there is something wrong right now and he doesn't know what.

"I just finished watching the notebook" Donghyuck added, chuckling.

His mom knew something was up but she didn't want to push him to tell the truth so she just gave up and placed her hands on her pocket.

"Where are you going?" Donghyuck asked, eyeing his mom wearing a tucked in long sleeves and some mom jeans.

"I'm going out for a while, I have to visit my doctor" she answered, shortly.

"Is it getting worse?"

Mrs. Lee shook her head as a no, "I just need to have a checkup so I would know what's wrong this time"

Mrs. Lee has arrhythmias, basically some type of sickness where the heart can potentially stop from pumping blood and could cause cardiac arrest.

Donghyuck is worried sick about her and what scares him most is that one day 'that' event might happen without him by her side.

"Well, okay take care on your way there" Donghyuck waved his mom goodbye, receiving a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodbye honey, dinner's on the table in case you get hungry"

And with that, mrs. Lee left the tanned male all alone in the house all by himself. But then someone came hitting the doorbell a hundred times.

Donghyuck was scared all of a sudden, he didn't know who would come to his house by this hour except Johnny but that boy didn't even respond to his texts yet.

Walking slowly to the door, Donghyuck peeked on the little hole to see a stumbling Mark, scratching his head with a little pained emotion plastered on his face.

Quickly opening the door, Donghyuck eyed the older. Messy hair, wet stains on his white shirt and the smell of alcohol reeking from his body was enough for him to know that Mark is drunk.

"Mark..." Donghyuck whispered.

Mark stumbled as he heads his way to Donghyuck, embracing the tanned male on his waist while his face rests on the crook of his neck.

"Dongsookie~" Mark cooed, placing butterfly kisses on Donghyuck.

"Mark what are you doing here-"

"Ssh~ ssh~ don't talk..." Mark opened and closed his eyes, wanting to get a better view of the angel right in front of him.

"Me and the boys...had a little drink...but I only said I'll take 1 or 2 shots to get a little c-courage....to mate you tonight..no I mean meet as in go to you and confess how I just want to..." Mark was getting sleepy all of a sudden, stumbling on Donghyuck's body, "I just want to have..." he giggled, "want to have sex with you"

"Mark, what are you saying? Come here" Donghyuck doesn't know what the hell he was doing right now, dragging Mark into his room and making him lay down on his bed.

He decided to clean Mark first sl he got a basin with warm water and a towel to rub on Mark's hot (temperature hot) body to get the stink away.

"Stop~" Mark pushed Donghyuck, "I have a boyfriend" he mumbled, "and he'll get jealous if he finds out i'm with you"

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "oh yeah? What is your boyfriend's name?"

"Simple question" Mark lifted one finger in the air, "Lee Donghyuck" he giggled.

Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows, "what?" He asked.

"I know...crazy right?... I think I hurt him...I'm on a mission" Mark cupped Donghyuck's face, "I must get my baby back" he looked deeply on Donghyuck's eyes with those groggy eyes of his, "will you help me get him?"

"Mark, what are you talking about? You're drunk"

"Hey! Don't talk to me like that...i'm Mark Lee and the guy who can only talk to me like that is Donghyuck, my baby" he said, barely could even talk.

Donghyuck giggled, "I'm Donghyuck you dumb dumb" he said.

Mark furrowed his eyebrows, looking at the tanned male with disbelief, "wait really? You are?"

Donghyuck nodded, brushing the hair that was covering Mark's eyes, "yes I am"

Mark examined Donghyuck's face then laughed cutely, "you do look like him" he said and rested his head on Donghyuck's lap but he sat straight again and furrowed his brows, "are you sure you're Donghyuck?" he asked.

Donghyuck cooed at Mark and pinched his cheeks, "yes I am"

Mark nodded and rested his head again, "okay.." he got Donghyuck by the waist and pushed him on the bed, lying on the younger's body, "let's sleep now"

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