𝑖𝑖𝑖. she cares about you

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER THREE⤷ ❝ she cares about you ❞

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she cares about you

🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER THREE⤷ ❝ she cares about you ❞

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"SO... ARE YOU going to the color war?" Luna asked as she scrubbed the wooden walls with a sponge. Ziggy laying on her bed, throwing a ball up and catching it, trying to figure out a way to take revenge on Sheila. "Why would I? It's boring," Ziggy threw it again, now it hit the ceiling.

Luna sighed. "I don't know, maybe it'll be fun," she shrugged. Ziggy caught the ball and sat up correctly. "God, those Sunnyvalers really got into your head," she laughed at Luna's excitement about the color war.

"Come on! I heard it's gonna be Capture the Flag," Luna smiled, still scrubbing. "Seriously, did they brainwash you?" Ziggy criticized. When people moved to Sunnyvale, they'd often end up with a different personality than the one they arrived with. Sunnyvale was the town for perfect people with perfect lives, something Luna didn't have.

Her father had died on duty after he was shot by a criminal. He was a cop and worked with Sheriff Goode in Sunnyvale, Nick, and Will's father. Luna hated the Goode's because their father could've stopped her dad's death if only he had driven faster to the crime scene. That was the reason Luna, Lila and her mother had moved to Sunnyvale.

The fact that the Goode's had grown up with the Donovan family made it even worse.

"So what are you gonna do? Stay here all night?" Luna questioned, leaving the wall as clean as she could. "No. We'll get revenge on Sheila before the color war starts and then we'll see how she suffers," Ziggy smiled with teeth. Luna giggled. "Fine. This won't come off completely," Luna said, scrubbing a little more on the walls, but you could still see all the insults.

"It's okay. Leave it like that," Ziggy got up from her bed and walked towards Luna, who was sitting on the floor.

Ziggy sat next to her, reading her head on the end of the bed, holding her knees up to her chest. "So, do you think what happened to Nurse Lane had anything to do with the book we saw on her desk?" Luna asked, still intrigued about the woman that was taken by the ambulance earlier.

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