𝑥𝑣𝑖𝑖. one of them is possessed

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN⤷ ❝ one of them is possessed ❞

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⤷ ❝ one of them is possessed

"LISTEN TO ME, you don't have any idea of what's going on!" Ziggy warned the cop that was pointing a gun and a flashlight at them

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"LISTEN TO ME, you don't have any idea of what's going on!" Ziggy warned the cop that was pointing a gun and a flashlight at them. "You're gonna die if you don't listen to me!" she continued to explain. Martin kept interrupting her explanation by saying "We good" multiple times and patting her.

"Martin?" the cop moved his flashlight to Martin's face. "Yeah, hi!" he waved back at him. "Are you kidding me?!" the cop groaned frustratedly.

On the other side of the mall, Deena, Josh, and Luna are looking at Martin and Ziggy's situation. "Freeze! Stay where you are!" another cop warned the three of them, pointing his flashlight just like the other one. "I got three more here!" the coo yelled to his partner.

"Drop your weapon!" he yelled at the three of them, who had the water guns in their hands. "These are water guns, bro!" Luna hesitated and placed it on the ground.

"Just let us explain!" Josh begged, not putting his gun down. "I said drop it!" the cop repeated and finally they gave in. They threw them on the ground and slid them towards the cop.

"Oh! Oh my! Holy--" Martin yelled in between gasps from the other side of the mall. The other cop ram towards the screams and saw his partner lying dead on the floor. "They're here, " Deena whispered to Luna, who was watching in shock at the scene.

"You're gonna pay for this. You motherfucker, " he started shooting an actual gun, with actual bullets, but the killer didn't seem to die or even show any signs of pain.

Luna recognized that killer at first sight. It was The Milkman, Harry Rooker. The guy that killed Ziggy in 1978. "Go the other way! The gates! " Luna whispered to Deena and Josh as they ran fast to the gates of each store that was greased up.

"Martin, you can't move. If you don't move they won't see you, " Luna warned Martin as he was still in shock, mumbling words that didn't make sense, just like what was happening right now. "Okay, okay. Don't more. I won't move, " he whispered to himself, grabbing the rope and taking a deep breath so the killer wouldn't even hear him breathing.

✓  DEVIL WOMAN | ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now