𝑥𝑖𝑖. the highlight of my life

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER TWELVE⤷ ❝ the highlight of my life ❞

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the highlight of my life

"YOU DON'T HAVE any idea where these kids are!" Ziggy warned Luna as she kept insisting on helping Deena Johnson, the girl who had called them minutes earlier

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"YOU DON'T HAVE any idea where these kids are!" Ziggy warned Luna as she kept insisting on helping Deena Johnson, the girl who had called them minutes earlier.

Luna wanted to help these children more than anything in her life. She would've loved someone that was an expert on the subject when they were teenagers at camp. "Look, I know. What if we just called them back?" Luna insisted and Ziggy rolled her eyes.

"Don't you understand? The further we keep away from them the further we are from dying tonight," Ziggy said and sat down, putting her hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt.

"You're right. I hate it, but you are," Luna sat next to her and sighed.

"Look, I know that this is hard for you. It's hard for us. But it's better if we stay out of it and you know it," Ziggy rubbed Luna's back as she had her face pressed in the palms of her hands.

Ziggy felt like she had gone mental while Luna wasn't present in her life. People would drive past her house and tell their kids to never believe anything the lady said.

"You can stay the night here if you'd like, " Ziggy suggested. Luna raised her head from her hands and smiled at her. "Sure. Thanks, " she responded.

Suddenly they were both teenagers again. Feeling the butterflies in the stomachs whenever one looked into the other's eyes, supporting of calming down each other.

It all seemed like they were at Luna's bedroom again and Ziggy was about to climb up her window. "Why did you do it?" Ziggy asked, handing her a blanket and a set of pajamas. "Why did I do what?" Luna chuckled, hoping she didn't mean what she thought she meant.

"You know. Stop visiting, " Ziggy sighed, remembering all the good times Luna had created and shared with her.

"My mom does a few years after we moved there and I just couldn't afford to come here every year if I didn't have enough money. I was put in a foster home but when I turned eighteen I moved out and started to work so I could make money and maybe visit one day... I just... didn't expect it to be when possessed killers were going around, " Luna explained.

"Well, shit now I feel bad, " Ziggy chuckled and Luna laughed along with her.

"You could've explained it to me over a letter or something, you didn't have to keep that to yourself..." Ziggy hugged her and Luna hugged back.

They turned on the TV as they were both now in comfortable clothes laying on the couch. "I wish we could help those kids, " Luna sighed, drinking the coffee from the mug Ziggy had given her.

Every time Luna mentioned Deena and her friends, a shiver would run down Ziggy's spine and shake off the images from that night at camp from her head.

"Yeah, me too, " Ziggy confessed. She was worried about them. Nobody else deserved to go through what she did, much fewer teenagers who still have their entire lives ahead of them. "Can I tell you something?" Ziggy broke the silence again. Luna turned and asked her what was it. "Sometimes I really wish I had stayed dead that night, "

Luna was Ziggy's only friend and things didn't get easier when we left. Her mother was put on rehab and still lays there.

There was no one else she could turn to, even if she wanted to. People would think she had gone mad after telling every single person she could about the Sarah Fier curse and the only person she had left was Nick Goode, who also decided to ignore her.

"Don't say that. Why would you say that?" Luna turned worriedly at her. "If you had stayed dead, we wouldn't have dated and so far in all my years of living, that has been the best part. The highlight of my life if you may, " Luna chuckled. "But seriously, don't say that, " she added quickly.

Ziggy joined her laugh, but then soon tears streamed slowly down her cheek. "I missed you so much," Ziggy cuddled her on the couch as Luna hugged her side.

"I missed you too, Zig, " Luna smiled at her.

Suddenly, a paper was slid under the door. "Hey, what's that?" Luna asked, standing up and walking to the door. "What's what? Be careful!" Ziggy warned her, following up behind her with fear.

Luna reached for it and read it. 'IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN' it read. She could recognize that handwriting in her sleep. She quickly opened the door, hoping that the person that had slid it hadn't gone far. "Good to see you, shitface, " Luna called and the man turned around.

It took him a minute to answer, but it took him by surprise what he had heard. "Donovan. Didn't know you were visiting," he smirked and walked back to the steps he had just walked down.

"Didn't know you were sheriff. Nice, " Luna responded with the same smart smirk on her face. Ziggy hid behind the door, trying to be seen by Nick. "Where's Ziggy?" he asked. "Out, " she lied quickly.

Nick didn't believe her, but he wasn't up right now for fighting with a girl who had taken say the girl of his dreams away from him. "See ya, Goode," Luna said, closing the door.

"Are you staying here for long?" he interrupted her. "Depends. Doe my presence bother you? In that case, yes, I am planning to start long, " she smiled and finally close the door and locked the sixteen locks.

"Now I understand why you have the sixteen locks, " Luna sighed and looked at Ziggy, who was standing behind her with a surprised look on her face. "It was him, " Ziggy zoned out. "I wouldn't trust him if I were you, Zig, " Luna suggested, walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge.

Just now she realized she hadn't had anything to eat in the entire day. "Why not?" Ziggy questioned, following her to the kitchen.

"I wouldn't question my detective abilities if I were you, Berman, " she joked and closed the fridge after not finding anything she craved. "Oh, yeah?" Ziggy asked. "Oh, yeah," Luna answered, which only caused a dumb smile to form on Ziggy's lips.

author's note

guysss i made a new cover !!
please tell me what you think, i
really love it so please be honest

also, i made a new gif for the
end of every chapter ! recently
i've had a lot of inspiration for
editing and shit so i thought
maybe i'd start a graphic shop?
idk i want you guys to decide for
me or at least tell me if you'd
request anything from it because
i don't wanna do it for nothing

also, i'll probably post two chapters
tonight. or not. idk man maybe

please vote and comment !!

please vote and comment !!

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