𝑥𝑣𝑖. shadyside mall

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER SIXTEEN⤷ ❝ shadyside mall ❞

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shadyside mall

AS THEY PULLED over in front of a house, a guy that was smoking a joint stood up with his hands in the air

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AS THEY PULLED over in front of a house, a guy that was smoking a joint stood up with his hands in the air. "Yo, man, I wasn't doing nothing," he said. "Minding my business,"

"Hey," Josh smiled through the passenger's seat at Martin. "Urkel?" Martin lowered his hands, confused about what was happening. "Yeah!" Josh replied, looking back inside the car to everyone.

"Uh... Wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?" he asked. A small pause happened in the conversation before Martin answered. "Let me get my coat,"

He entered his house, grabbed his coat, and walked outside while putting it on. "We a bit tight over here, Urkel," Martin complained, rearranging himself for the third time. "You have to stop moving," Luna scoffed, looking out the window as Martin sat uncomfortably between Ziggy and her.

"So... why are we killing Goode?" Martin asked. He at least wanted to know why they were doing it. "His family is responsible for every serial killer that this town has had," Deena explained, keeping her eyes on the road as they parked on the Shadyside Mall.

"Nice," Martin answered, nodding, not asking too many questions.

When they entered the mall with Martin's keys, they immediately got Sam out and tired her up behind the counter of one of the food stores.

"As the mall's lead custodial engineer, I ensure that all retail establishments come equipped with the StoreSafe 250," he led them to the store that was nearby, shaking the gate.

"This is the Cadillac of store gates, " he added. Martin kept going on about how impressive those gates were and the quality they held.

"Best part..." Martin said, sliding open the gate. "Easy to operate, " he added with a smirk. "And we can rig them for quick release?" Josh asked, hoping that the answer was yes.

Martin smirked, preparing a joke. "Litte grease, these things go down faster than a Sunnyvale Cheerleader, " he joked.

The three girls present rolled their eyes at his joke, not finding it funny. "So, the killers are after Deena, so we can use that to lure the killers inside the stores. Then, it'll be us against Goode, " Josh smiled, hoping that the plan would work.

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