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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER NINETEEN⤷ ❝ nurse lane ❞

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⤷ ❝ nurse lane ❞

🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER NINETEEN⤷ ❝ nurse lane ❞

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OCTOBER 5th, 1994

"ALL IS NO longer good in Sunnyvale. New evidence continues to surface implicating Union County Sheriff Nicholas Goode the Sunnyvale serial killer," the reporter said through the screen of Ziggy's TV.

"That's how I like to hear the news," Luna sighed, taking a bite of her scrambled egg toast. "The family maintains they did not know Sheriff Goode's horrifying secret," she continued. "No knowledge my ass," Luna yelled with a full mouth.

Ziggy giggled as she sat next to her on the table, placing her plate with the same food on it.

"You know, I was thinking," Ziggy started to pour orange juice on her cup. "Maybe we should pay Nurse Lane a visit," she suggested.

Luna had almost forgotten about Nurse Lane. She owed that woman so much. "Oh, God. I want that. Yes, let's do that," Luna nodded, chuckling.

"Okay, let's eat and we'll go. I know where she lives," Ziggy smiled and took a bite off her toast.

After a few minutes of eating in silence, hearing the news in the distance, Luna kept something on her mind. "Remind me to never help some teenagers who ask us about Sarah Fier ever again," Luna chuckled, remembering when Deena called.

That comment made Ziggy almost choke on her food. "Only if you remind me to never question your detective abilities again," she smiled.

"Since 1978, I told you something didn't feel right about him," Luna kept insisting and pissing Ziggy off by all the times she warned her and nobody listened. "You're a true detective," Ziggy got up and started washing the dishes while Luna put the rest of the things in their place.

Since the day everything ended in Shadyside Mall, Ziggy apologized every day to Luna for not listening to her, knowing that she was always right.

✓  DEVIL WOMAN | ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now