𝑥𝑣𝑖𝑖𝑖. if anything happens, i love you

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER EIGHTEEN⤷ ❝ if anything happens, i love you ❞

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⤷ ❝ if anything happens, i love you

🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER EIGHTEEN⤷ ❝ if anything happens, i love you ❞

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"WHAT DO YOU mean more plan A?" Martin was confused. Josh sighed snd looked around him, trying to figure out where the water guns were.

"Okay, Deena's blood is in those, right?" he started, pointing at the water guns that laid on the floor beside the corpses of the cops, outside the store they were in. Ziggy knew where this was going. "You're saying we spray the killers with that so they kill each other?" she asked.

Josh smirked to himself as Martin quickly opened the gate of the store so they could grab the guns. "Amazing plan, but they're not gonna last long dead," Luna warned then, running outside and grabbing one gun as the rest did the same. "That's why we have to be fast," Josh added.

Each of them stood from different angles to aim at each of the different killers. The neon green paint splashed each of the killers as the others watch.

The four of hen quickly ran back inside the store and looked through the vanity at them. "I got that creepy perv motherfucker in the bullseye," Martin looked at the Milkman. "Damn right you did," Luna high-fived him.

The Milkman started walking towards them, looking directly at the four people behind the glass. "This is gonna work, right?" Martin asked, getting scared. "I fucking hope so-- SHIT!" Ziggy was cut off by the Grifter aggressively grabbing the Milkman and throwing him on the floor, then he for axed by the Nightwing Killer who then got stabbed by Skull Mask.

"I think it does..." Luna whispered as the four killers were attacking each other. "Guys?" Josh looked pale. "What?" Ziggy turned to him. "We lost Sam," he said blankly.

Luna promised Deena that nothing bad would happen to Sam or her. At least not on her watch. "What do you mean? What do you mean we lost Sam?" Luna asked desperately. "She ran away. She's after Deena," he explained, now getting paranoid.

She instantly stood up on her feet and started looking for a flashlight and a weapon just in case. "Uh... Luna? Where are you going?" Martin asked her, looking at her with clueless eyes.

✓  DEVIL WOMAN | ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now