𝑥𝑖𝑖𝑖. deena johnson

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER THIRTEEN⤷ ❝ deena johnson ❞

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deena johnson

LUNA SLEPT ON the couch that night but the sleeping part was absent since she couldn't keep her mind away from Deena Johnson, the girl who had called before for help

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LUNA SLEPT ON the couch that night but the sleeping part was absent since she couldn't keep her mind away from Deena Johnson, the girl who had called before for help. She couldn't stop thinking and wondering if she and her friends were alright.

Eventually, she fell asleep at 5:30 in the morning and was woken up by Major Tom, Ziggy's dog, licking her face.

"You're still sleeping? It's almost four pm!" Ziggy laughed at Luna, whose hair was a mess. She grabbed the TV remote and turned on the news.

"More death in Shadyside. A drug-fueled night of violence leaves a trail of bodies, " the reporter said through the TV screen. Both girls turned to each other with worried looks.

"There are three dead at East Union Medical..." it continued to give explicit details about the murder scenes from the grocery store.

Luna knew that she was right. They could've helped Deena and her friends but they were too scared to do so.

"Zig..." Luna said softly, not taking her eyes off the TV. "You do realize the name Deena Johnson is not there, right?" she asked. "Uh-huh, " Ziggy responded, bidding her head. She sat down in her chair and laid her head back.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. They said it was the two teens on drugs. No Sarah Fier, " Luna grabbed her hand but Ziggy shook it off.

"Luna, I know you're not this blind. You know that this was the curse, " Ziggy gasped, almost about to cry. She didn't want to go over this again. Luna didn't either but both were more than willing to help them.

Ziggy quickly grabbed the telephone from beside her on a table and picked it up. "Who are you calling?" Luna asked.

"The last person who called this number, " she said as she dialed the numbers that called last night. "Hello?" the female voice said through the phone.

Ziggy went silent for a couple of seconds, not thinking she'd still be alive. "Hello?" she repeated. "Zig, say something," Luna whispered so Denna couldn't hear her. "Alright, listen asshole. Don't call here--"

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