𝑥. you're my support system

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER TEN⤷ ❝ you're my support system ❞

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER TEN
you're my support system

A WEEK PASSED since Ziggy and Luna were caught kissing by Luna's mother, and things have never been better between them

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A WEEK PASSED since Ziggy and Luna were caught kissing by Luna's mother, and things have never been better between them. Ziggy would always escape behind her mother's back to Luna's house at almost midnight and then took a bus at 1 am.

"You know, maybe you could start telling your mom that you're coming here, or at least come earlier," Luna suggested, yawning. The whole going to bed at 1:30 am and waking up at 11 am didn't work for Luna.

She felt like she wasted her day waking up at that time. "I could but I like sneaking in and out of the house," Ziggy smirked and chuckled a how tired Luna looked.

Ziggy sighed as the clock marked 1:22 am. "I have to go," she said, walking to the window from Luna's bed, where they were laying. "Please, stay," Luna insisted, even though she was half asleep.

"Come on, you're sleeping," Ziggy chuckled and climbed down. "You're the best. Bye!" she added as she started to walk to the other side of the sidewalk.

As Luna fell asleep, she felt the best she's ever felt. The feeling of having somebody that cares and likes you for who she is was new to her, even coming from her mom, everything seemed to be so good to be true, even after the Camp Nightwing massacre.

Neither Ziggy nor Luna could go out to the streets without being asked questions of it.

'How did you survive?', 'My condolences for your sister's death!', 'Did you know Tommy Slater?', 'What do you think was the reason everything happened?'. Those were only half of the questions they would get asked or things they were said to.

Nick Goode was treated like a hero for bringing Ziggy back to life. Sometimes Ziggy wish he didn't, although she was thankful she got the opportunity to be with Luna after that happened.

Ziggy and Luna tried explaining it to everyone. The curse, the witch, everything. Of course, no one believed it. Who would believe two teenagers that just experienced the most traumatic event in their lives?

"Lu, we need to talk," Tabitha approached her bedroom and knocked on the door. "Mom? What's wrong?" she asked. She wasn't the typical 'We need to talk' mom unless it was something serious.

"I don't think Sunnyvale nor Shadyside is safe for you anymore," Tabitha shrugged with sad eyes, knowing she wouldn't take this news well.

"What? What do you mean? Why?" Luna asked with watery eyes. "What do you mean why? Your sister died, Luna. You survived a massacre at Nightwing. These things don't happen to normal people!" Tabitha explained, raising her voice a little at the end.

Luna knew she was right, but she didn't want to leave Ziggy behind. How was she supposed to leave her behind?

"But-- What will I tell Ziggy? I can't just leave her!" Luna complained as she left her room and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"I don't know, sweety. I know you like her and I know the feeling is mutual between the two, but you have to understand! We're moving to Georgia with your uncle in three days." Tabitha said and left the room.

She didn't know what to tell Ziggy that she was moving to Georgia. Things were at their best in their relationship and Luna couldn't leave ZIggy by herself after what happened.

Luna tried to figure out a plan to either convince her mom that they should stay in Ohio or just run away from her house. But where would she go? Tabitha has close contact with her Shadyside friends' moms and Ziggy's mom is an alcoholic who can barely take care of herself.

No other option but to leave with her mom and leave Ziggy behind. She had to tell Ziggy tonight or she'll feel guilty if she didn't.

The clock marked 11:55 pm.

Ziggy should be at Luna's window any minute and she couldn't keep her mind where it should be. "Lu," she heard a voice coming from the other side of her window. Luna sighed and opened it, revealing a smiling Ziggy coming inside her bedroom.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ziggy asked, judging by the look on her girlfriend's face. "I... Uhm, my mom told me something this morning," Luna started to explain with tears forming in her eyes.

"What is it? What happened?" Ziggy worried while she reached for Luna's hand to hold it. "I'm moving to Georgia," Luna looked up at her, hugging her tightly around her waist.

Ziggy held her tighter, hugging her around her neck, with a worried look on her face that was buried on her shoulder. "Why? When" Ziggy had so many questions right now.

"My mom doesn't like it here anymore. She says it's not safe after what happened at Nightwing. Lila. Everything," Luna explained and Ziggy closed her eyes, knowing that she would never move out of Shadyside, unlike Luna.

She was about to propose the idea of moving in with her, but she knew that her mother wouldn't be fond of the idea or just wouldn't be able to.

"But, I... You can't leave me," Ziggy pulled away from the look and looked at her in the eyes. "I know. I don't want to leave you,"

"You don't understand. You're my support system," Ziggy said, thinking what her life would go to hell if Luna left her. She'd go mad without her. She's what's been keeping her alive these past few weeks.

"And you're mine! Believe me, I don't want to leave but I can't do anything about it," Luna explained by the look on Ziggy's face, who seemed upset.

"At least promise you'll visit on Christmas and holidays," Ziggy shrugged with a slight smile forming on her lips, looking up to her eyes. "That I can try. Georgia's not that far from Ohio," Luna smiled at her and they both understood.

Ziggy and Luna spent the rest of three days hanging out, laughing, and making out as much as they could. Both of them thought it was a good idea to see each other now and then every year, but both knew that it would all fade away eventually.

Luna would stop visiting Shadyside and Ziggy would stop being sane without her. Nick Goode would become a sheriff and soon enough another Shadysider will be the next victim of the town's curse.

author's note


act two is about to start!!
i'm eggsited 😋😋😋

also, sorry for this sad ending
to act one lmaooo i love yall
i promise :D

also, sorry for this sad endingto act one lmaooo i love yalli promise :D

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