𝑥𝑖. 9006 brennan way

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER ELEVEN⤷ ❝ 9006 brennan way ❞

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9006 brennan way

🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER ELEVEN⤷ ❝ 9006 brennan way ❞

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THE SUN WAS rising and Luna was already awake. As per usual, she walked down the street to the usual market she goes to every weekday to buy the food for the day. She never liked buying food in great quantities.

As she walked back home, she turned on the TV as she prepared the breakfast she probably wasn't gonna eat anyway.

"Shadyside, small-town America." the news reporter said through the TV. She hadn't heard those words in such a long time, it took her a minute to realize what Shadyside meant to her.

"But among locals, a history of horror has earned it another nickname, 'Killer Capital USA'. And last night tragedy struck again," the lady continued, standing next to a familiar face.

"No fucking way," she muttered under her breath at the sight of Nick Goode explaining what had happened the night before that.

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing right now. "Not again, not again, not again," she whispered as she kept watching the news as kept thinking the same thoughts all over again.

She quickly picked up her phone and called the familiar number she hadn't dialed in a while. 154-4747. "Yes?" the person she was hoping that would pick up said. "Ziggy?" Luna asked worriedly. The other side of the line went silent, but that's when Luna knew she'd recognized her voice, even though they hadn't talked in years.

"Ziggy, I know you can hear-" Luna said softly against her phone but was interrupted by the other line hanging up.

After a few more hours full of calls and being ignored every single time, Luna gave up. She packed a backpack with all the essential things she'd need for at least a weekend and some good amount of money.

"You leave me no fucking choice, Berman," she said under her breath as she grabbed her leather jacket as she hopped on her green Ford Cortina Mk2, and drove to the airport. She could've driven to Shadyside, but that would've been a ten-hour car drive.

✓  DEVIL WOMAN | ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now