𝑥𝑥. epilogue: hanging tree

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ EPILOGUE⤷ ❝ hanging tree ❞

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ EPILOGUE
hanging tree

🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ EPILOGUE⤷ ❝ hanging tree ❞

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AUGUST 28th, 1996

"AS ONE OF the bridesmaids, I wanted to thank Luna and Christine for all the things they've done for my brother Josh and me. Our dad is not around anymore, but they've been behaving like our mothers for the past year.

"They're the two people I look up to the most, and honestly, I don't think that I'd be where I am now without them," Deena spoke loudly through a microphone, fixing her suit every time she ended a sentence.

She wasn't used to speaking in public that much, and she was nervous when Luna and Ziggy had asked her to do this.

Everyone in the room clapped and smiled at her. Luna and Ziggy sitting behind a table, eyeing Sam, Josh, and Martin who were sitting at a table across them. Neither of them had any blood relatives that were still alive to be there with them, but they felt like family. Deena was the last person to give the usual wedding speech to the bride.

Martin had talked first and rapped in front of everyone a song about how they were the funniest lesbians he'd ever met. It made the room fill with laughter. After all, he was the one who married them. And the DJ.

They didn't need or wanted a father to marry them. Someone close was enough since they didn't believe in any religion.

The reunion wasn't big, just around 50 people if you counted guests that other people invited too. People wore dresses and suits. Even Major Tom wore a tie.

In the past two years, Ziggy and Luna had made a lot of great things. Luna had to fly back to Georgia to get her belongings after moving in with Ziggy in her house at Shadyside.

Ziggy finally started writing horror books, after discovering her great gift at that matter. Also, working at a restaurant with Luna. Her books got immediate success as people recognized her name as the 'woman who had survived multiple massacres with her girlfriend'.

They met a lot of people in the way and made great friendships, too. Which were all the people that were now at their wedding, drinking, dancing, singing and having a great time.

3 am and the guests were leaving, leaving fewer and fewer people at the party. The setting was beautiful. At the shore at one of the lakes near Shadyside, an arch of flowers decorated the exact spot where they got married. Chairs surrounded it in a half-circle shape and the sunset behind them. Martin being the officiant.

After the wedding, Luna and Ziggy weren't tired enough to fall asleep. Martin, Josh, Sam, and Deena were the only people left.

"Martin, do you mind giving us the keys to the mall?" Luna asked, pouting her lips so he wouldn't say no. He hesitated, since the last time he listened to them with something that had to do with the mall... well, we know how that ended.

"Make that your wedding present to us," Ziggy smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. He still hesitated and looked at both of them with a confused look.

"So the fact that I was the DJ and I was your wedding officiant wasn't enough for you?" he complained.

Luna and Ziggy still looked at him with a little bit of hope in their eyes. He rolled his eyes and took the keys out of his pocket. "You're gonna get me fired. Bring them back, though,"

Both of them smiled at him and gave him a tight hug. "Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm awesome," Martin scoffed and smiled at them.

Luna and Ziggy walked to her car, not even changing from their wedding dresses, which weren't big bride ones. Just a simple white dress.

They drove to the mall, knowing what they had to do when they arrived. It was something they planned to do just after they got married. It felt like it was the right thing to do after all this time.

Opening the door, they saw a big tree in the middle of the mall. "Should we do this? What if someone finds them?" Luna hesitated, not wanting to leave her letter on the tree.

"If we bury them no one will see them," Ziggy assured her and held her with her free hand.

Both of them had written a letter to their sisters, Lila and Cindy, explaining and telling how their lives have been since the two died.

To Luna, Lila has always been her best friend. She never thanked her for everything that she did for her, and how many times she was by her side when no one else was, how she regretted not telling her many things that she had the time to.

Cindy was always overprotective over Ziggy. She always told her what and not to do. She found that very stressful, but very deep in her heart she loved her sister with her entire body and soul. Ziggy always complained that Cindy had died for nothing, in the end, she died too but was brought back to life by Nick.

Cindy died thinking Ziggy had died with her, and that's something she always thought about on every 19th of July.

They dug a hole with their hands on the red moss that covered the roots of the tree, they're burying their letters for their sisters on the place where they died for nothing.

Laying next to the tree, not caring if their dresses got dirty with the moss, they held hands, resting their heads on its trunk, as they thought about their sisters on their wedding day.

author's note

please pretend that luna and ziggy
are wearing two white dresses on
the gif i just couldn't find any
of them wearing white clothes
that fitted the gif :)
also, pretend this wasn't the worst
chapter of the whole book

guys I wanted to thank you
for getting this story in place
#1 in #sunnyvale and #samanthafraser
and also in second place on
#ziggyberman and #cberman

guys I wanted to thank you for getting this story in place #1 in #sunnyvale and #samanthafraserand also in second place on #ziggyberman and #cberman :))

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