𝑣𝑖𝑖𝑖. i've missed you

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER EIGHT⤷ ❝ i've missed you ❞

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i've missed you

THE SINGING CONTINUED as Cindy and Ziggy walked the way it was coming from

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THE SINGING CONTINUED as Cindy and Ziggy walked the way it was coming from. Lila stayed back, mourning her friend's death and Luna supporting her through it.

"What is it?" Luna asked loudly to Cindy and Ziggy could hear her, "I don't know. Someone's singing an old song," Ziggy said, still confused. "Wait, an old s- Come back here!" Luna yelled to them as she remembered the article about Ruby Lane's death.

"Run! Run!" Cindy yelled and ran towards the door. "Lila!" Luna yelled, but she didn't follow. She stayed hugging Alice's body.

"Let her go! We have to run!" Luna pulled her away, now making her stand up and run with them. Ziggy didn't move for a second, and it was because Tommy's headless body had grabbed her foot.

"You fucking asshole!" Luna yelled and kicked him with the shovel, and Ziggy ran into her arms. "Come on! Go!"

"Who the fuck is that?!" Cindy yelled-asked as they ran to The Hanging Tree. "That's Ruby fucking Lane, that is," Luna answered, looking back every once in a while to see if somebody was following them, or not.

Being chased by possessed dead people wasn't exactly how she imagined her day going.

Constant flashbacks kept coming into her brain, mostly the ones of her time spent with Ziggy. All from that same morning and years prior, even the bad ones. She wasn't gonna let anyone die tonight.

As they ran and got closer and closer to the tree, the memories that came back were stronger.

All her thoughts distracted her from her path and the things in her way. The next thing she knew, she was laying on the ground, and her ankle was twisted the other way it should be, a bone leaving its place.

"Agh! Shit!" she groaned in pain, making Lila and ziggy turn around. "Don't stop! They're not after me, they're after you, Zig! I'm gonna be fine!" she yelled, keeping them from coming any closer to them. She tried to get up, but the pain intensified by only thinking about it.

✓  DEVIL WOMAN | ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now