𝑥𝑣. we need to kill nick goode

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🎠🍸🎰ミ☆ ━━ CHAPTER FIFTEEN⤷ ❝ we need to kill nick goode ❞

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we need to kill nick goode

"MAYBE I SHOULD check on Sam or something," Luna offered, noticing that the growls and roars coming from the bathroom hadn't stopped yet

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"MAYBE I SHOULD check on Sam or something," Luna offered, noticing that the growls and roars coming from the bathroom hadn't stopped yet.

"Yeah, take this," Ziggy handed her a knife, stepped out of her way, and walked towards the living room. She took off her beige sweatshirt since the whole situation was making her sweat.

Luna unlocked the door of the bathroom and saw Sam, still tied up to the radiator, grunting and growling to her. Luna raised the knife to defend herself in case Sam got away. "Yo, Zig. Are we sure she's possessed by the witch? I don't remember Tommy roaring," Luna asked out loud, not taking her eyes off Sam.

"Ziggy?" she asked again, as there was no response the first time. Luna closed the bathroom door and locked it. "Zig? What are you doing?" Luna asked. Ziggy quickly hung up the phone.

"Some people promoting stuff," Ziggy shrugged and walked away to the closet where Major Tom was hiding.

Luna suspected something was off with Ziggy but didn't question it. After all, she's the person that she trusts more in this world.

Remembering the previous events of the night before, Luna noticed that she wouldn't have recognized Nick if it wasn't for that smart smirk of his. "You know, Nick aged terribly," Luna scoffed, remembering the image. "Yeah?" Ziggy laughed. "Yeah," Luna laughed along.

"Thank God you were here when these kids arrived. I would've told them to fuck off," Ziggy smiled, taking Luna's hands into hers. "I know," Luna laughed, remembering how Ziggy hates to be around teenagers because of their stupidness.

"It's been an hour. Don't you think they should've put the hand and the body together by now?" Luna frowned, thinking about all the possible outcomes of this plan.

"Maybe the hand's not there anymore," Ziggy wondered, worried about not being able to stop it this time. "Nah, it's still there. Nobody could've taken it," Luna shook her head.

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