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September 25th
present day
Auroras apartment
8:30 A.M.

Aurora was disappointed when she woke up the next morning without Emily in her bed beside her. She would think that Emily would have at least woken her up and said goodbye when she left. She was sad that she didn't get to see Emily but she got out of bed anyways. She was feeling better today, but she still didn't feel quite workplace ready yet. She didn't want to get ready, but she decided it would be good for her to at least get dressed.

She went into her closet and picked out a cream colored turtleneck and baggy plaid pants. She shrugged off her pajamas and pulled on her new outfit instead. Slipping on her high top black doc martens to finish it off. She was about to go get back into bed and watch TV when she heard some ruckus coming from her kitchen.

She grabbed her gun off her side table just in case and quickly but quietly made her way out of her bedroom

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She grabbed her gun off her side table just in case and quickly but quietly made her way out of her bedroom. She walked out of the hallway and sneakily walked through the living room, she quickly turned the corner to who she thought to be a mass murderer, but was actually just Emily making breakfast.

"Holy shit Aurora it's just me!" Emily exclaimed and quickly through her hands up in surrender.

"Jesus Christ Emily I thought you left already," Aurora defended as she lowered her weapon and put it on the counter in front of her.

"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye you know that. Anyways I'm making pancakes, they might suck.. Well they'll definitely suck, but they'll probably be edible at least," Emily explained as Aurora watched her whisk the batter she had concocted.

"Wait you need to get into work," Aurora said as her eyes widened.

"No I already called into Hotch, told him we're spending the day together," Emily said with a smile.

"I don't need a babysitter Emily," Aurora said with a scoff.

"I'm not babysitting you! You're my best friend and if you're not feeling great I want to help! I figured we could make a whole day out of it. Try and find something to lighten the mood around here," Emily explained herself and Aurora smiled.

"Well anything for you I suppose," Aurora replied while quoting the same exact words Emily had said to her just the night before when she arrived unexpectedly.

Emily had surprisingly made pancakes that weren't only edible, but they were actually good! Which not only surprised Aurora, it also surprised Emily herself. Although Aurora thinks this is going to boost her ego and she's going to become a very cocky cook.

"So I was thinking we could go to a library so you could look or get new books like you told me you were wanting to do and then after we could just drive around until we find something you like to do. We can really do anything you want I really don't care," Emily rambled as she furiously cut at her pancakes.

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